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Thanks for checking out my blog! I’m really excited to share our adventures with you!

I can’t tell you the number of times that I’ve had friends contact me with questions about family travel trips that we’ve done or on how to Cruise smartly, how to plan, pack, or the must haves to think about prior to departing! Check out PRODUCTS WE LOVE for our recommendations to make your life easier!

This blog was developed in part due to that and also to help others that may also be transitioning to a new phase of their lives like us…

We are (transitioning into becoming) empty nester’s perpetually searching out nature and luxury snorkel adventures! We look for God’s beauty and inspiration in all his creations each new place he leads us to explore! We carve out special time while traveling to absorb SUNRISE & SUNSET as a constant inspiration. We hope that you too can experience all the great wonders that traveling has provided to us!

Family snorkeling adventures!

Our first big snorkeling adventure was in Hawaii on the island of Kaua’i! Since then we have enjoyed many cruises to explore where nature and a longer snorkel adventure may take us! Check out SNORKEL SPOTS for some ideas of your own! Here are some suggestions for 7 WAYS TO DAYDREAM TRAVEL ADVENTURE to get you started on your own Inspirational Travel Adventure!

Many amazing destinations can be tried out on a cruise! It provides the opportunity to explore new places on a short term basis in an easy and family affordable environment.

Please feel free to leave comments, if you have questions or tips. And thanks again for reading!

Interested in other essential items easily forgotten when traveling? CLICK here for a list of THE TOP 10 THINGS YOU SHOULD PACK when traveling.

Did you notice some affiliate links along the way?? If you plan to buy any of the products we mentioned or search for other purchases, please consider clicking through our link on this page. It won’t cost you a dime, and it will help our website continue running and offering you further inspirational travel adventures!

Inspirationally Yours,


Audible Gift Memberships


TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!


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