Think back to travel destinations that you’ve experienced… Where have you traveled chasing tranquility? Can you remember a destination of tranquility where you felt God’s presence? Can you put your finger on an experience from your past where this is the case? Where was it? What were you doing at the time? Who were you traveling with or were you traveling alone?
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In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous.

It’s so interesting, sometimes when you least expect for God to meet you in a place, He does just that! He shows up and reminds us of His power, majesty, glory and grace. It might be in a rainbow after a violent storm or a puff of clouds in a virtually cloudless sky. It could be in an encounter with wildlife that leaves you breathless or a morning sunrise over the ocean that shrouds you in peace. How about ocean snorkeling in depths of amazement surrounded by ocean life abundant!
God is present in our daily lives! We are the ones who are not present to realize this!
WOW! That is a shocking thought, isn’t it! It’s so true though. I am the first to admit that it is shockingly easily to let the momentum of daily life blind me to what is surrounding me. Details of schedules, appointments, and responsibilities pull a curtain blocking our awareness of the big picture of life and why we are on the earth. We were born, set on a path of life, and begin making choices that determine our steps through it.
I recently traveled to Lake Michigan shoreline in Northwest Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. This scene was before me. Not one home or another person in sight. Tranquility descended in the moment and I sat there for a very long time contemplating! I felt compelled to share this place with you. I felt the reassurance and comfort of the Holy Spirit here in this tranquil moment. It was a great reminder to me of who is in control of the earth.
“But ask the animals, and they will teach you,
or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you;
or speak to the earth, and it will teach you,
or let the fish in the sea inform you,
Which of all these does not know
that the hand of the Lord has done this?
In his hand is the life of every creature
and the breath of all mankind.”
Job 12:7-10
As a nation, America is under attack, not just from a virus, but from each other. We, as a people, need to reach out and support one another during this very difficult time. Now is not the time to become divided over social issues. Now is the time to pull together as one to overcome obstacles, as our forefathers were able to set aside their individual agendas and focus on the good of the county over personal wants and needs. We too need to achieve this end goal. The survival of our “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” is in jeopardy if we do not do this.
I ask that you add this to your personal prayer list and pray fervently for our county and it’s leadership. No matter where you travel or where you look for tranquility, God is with you. He is the one to bring you peace of mind and open your eyes. Nature surrounding you can be the vehicle to remind you of this obvious fact.
Travel opportunities afford the traveler the opportunity to experience other cultures, cuisines, adventures, and experiences. God can meet you in a variety of places to comfort and reassure you. When you experience the power and majesty of His creation, perspective can be achieved. His grace, love, forgiveness can open your eyes too! Whether your travel experience includes a majestic waterfall in Hawaii…

…or a mountain stream that you can float down through a YELLOWSTONE ADVENTURE.
or a portaging and paddling canoe WILDERNESS ADVENTURE IN THE BWCA…
or simply soaking up a SUNRISE OR SUNSET…
God is right there present. Talk to Him. Share your yourself with Him from big things to little things and everything in between. Talk to Him like you would your closest confidante. He will meet you every time to patiently hear you. You may not always get the response you want from Him. Some prayers do go unanswered. In hindsight, as we age and look back, some of God’s greatest gifts were those unanswered prayers, right?
Sometimes God charts our path with details falling easily into place or every obstacle possible present to deter us. Do you listen?
I find God present in each travel we take. I always try to take a purposeful moment while traveling to include an INNER STILLNESS QUEST.

I hope you too are able to incorporate tranquility in your travel destination! Where have you felt this connection before? Do you you have your “place” where you are able to connect? Leave me a reply or comment below with your experience or where you have found this connection to God? Where is your “place?”
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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
About Me
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com
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Barbara Robinson
TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!
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May 21, 2022
January 16, 2022
Carrie Cochran
Wonderful post, Barbara! One of my favorite things about outdoor adventures is that tranquility and chance to reflect on God’s goodness and power. Perfect thoughts for a Sunday! Thanks for sharing!
Barbara Robinson
Thanks Carrie! I appreciate your opinion!
I find tranquility when I’m at one with nature and the ocean. What a powerful post! Thank you for sharing!
Great read! I tend find peace when hiking or out on a walk.
Lake Michigan is beautiful! Nature truly is a quiet place where you can connect with your inner self and the higher power!
Barbara Robinson
I totally agree!
I feel tranquil when I’m out in nature. Watching the animals graze, leaves ripple in the breeze, clouds drift across the sky…
Beth Shields
I was encouraged and inspired by your post. I frequently am getting about the business to help people relax and find comfort for them….oooops need to do that for myself. Love the quote from Job. You had me with the first picture – I was born in Michigan and lived across from a lake for many early years, too young to enjoy the comfort of that solitude. But now, its a great reminder to do that. Thanks for your post.
Barbara Robinson
Thanks for your encouraging comment! I appreciate you!
I love being in the great outdoors and find it healing mentally and physically. Lake Michigan is truly stunning!
For me it’s more of a connection to nature than to god but I’ve been able to find tranquility in quite a few places that I’ve traveled to…and I try to remember that feeling when I’m under stress.
Beautiful article. I have felt God’s presence many times on trips, notably at Yellowstone watching Old Faithful. We don’t see what goes on “beneath the surface” all the time, but we sure see the result when the geyser finally erupts into the air!
Barbara Robinson
THAT is a great analogy! You are so correct!
This is beautiful! God’s grace is upon us every day! When I travel I truly think and meditate on it… thank you for sharing your thoughts and inspirations!
Barbara Robinson
You are always so encouraging Holly! I appreciate you!
I love hiking and anything outdoors, mainly because of the tranquility and calm that I usually find in nature. Some of my favorite times are at sunsets and near water.
Alexis Farmer
Awesome post! Love the video, there’s definitely parts of nature that make me feel tranquil and more spiritual
Wonderful piece! Yes, find Him in all things! I love this. I believe that this virus is a transition of renewal. We need to get back to family and remember the simpler life. It will change us, most for the better.
Tricia Snow
I love outdoor activities. It is definitely what I gravitate to when traveling. It definitely brings serenity.
Sabrina DeWalt
Most of our travel destinations involve a major dose of nature. With not being able to travel since March, as opposed to our normal monthly ventures, I find myself craving to get out.
It’s a beautiful thing when you can find a place that brings such tranquility. I go sit along the beach sometimes to give myself time to reflect on things and connect with God.
Oh yeah….. Go State!!! 💚
Danielle Ardizzone
I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt peaceful on vacation. With the kids, it always seems to be “go-go-go!”
Barbara Robinson
I’ve felt like that too on various vacations! Now that our boys are older, they do a lot more on their own on vacations… You’ll get there… For now, ENJOY the chaos!!
This looks so peaceful! beautiful pics!
What an enjoyable read. Travel offers us so many different experiences and finding those tranquil spots is just heavenly.
Lisa Manderino
God created the world and has given us all this beauty to explore. We do need to pray more!
Barbara Robinson
I completely agree!
I find tranquility when I’m in nature. Whether I travel to a local campground, a hiking trail around our house, or the forest or beach nearby. We can’t travel far right now, but we can still find tranquil moments in the areas we are able to visit!
Barbara Robinson
You are so right!
I have this connection to Mother Nature when I witness natural beauty…and definitely feel her presence 🙂
Such a beautiful post. For me, I found completely tranquility in the mountains of Banff. I also love going to our cottage on Lake Huron and appreciating the beauty of such a majestic lake.
The scene from Lake Michigan reminds me of when I lived there in the 1990’s. I am going to Mackinaw City in August and I cannot wait. Maybe some quiet time by the lake? The statement “some of God’s greatest gifts was unanswered prayer” really clicked with me. It is so true! Thank you for the reminder.
Anne Marie
There have been so many times I was in awe at nature….like my brain could not process the beauty of what my eyes were seeing. Love this article.
We love to hike or go for walks when we travel. Finding tranquility in a forest, or sitting on the beach listening to the waves, are my fave. With a houseful of kids, it used to be really hard to find a quiet moment. But on vacation, I always try to find peaceful time for myself.
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
I believe God is in every living being, human & nature as well. Nature does show us all the miracles the Universe has to offer!
Thanks for the reminder to be present for God. I am ashamed at how often I need that reminder. And, I hope your message to pray for this country and its leaders reaches many who follow through on your exhortation. Our leaders need some serious prayer because they clearly cannot handle things on their own. 😉
Barbara Robinson
Emily Ackerman
Absolutely gorgeous! I love being in nature and just remember how amazing God is! The starts, the ocean, the mountains, they all make you just be in awe. Thank you
Lisa Shivel
Lake Michigan is beautiful! A perfect place to get back to nature and find tranquility!
I agree, God will bring us peace where ever we are. Thank you for the scene from Lake Michigan. I am heading to Mackinaw City (from northern Wisconsin) in August and I cannot wait. I love the shores of Lake Michigan, especially along Highway 2 but other parts too. I have lived both in Pellston, Lansing and the Houghton, Michigan area and I love all of it! (Of course northern Wisconsin isn’t bad either.)
Barbara Robinson
We are traveling through the Upper Peninsula (US2) through Northern WI into Minnesota at the end of the month headed towards Grand Marais area. One of our favorite places to eat is in a little town BRULE. We always stop there and in Ashland for ice cream! 🙂
During this crazy time I have ventured outdoors to find the peace I need. Hopefully if more of us took the time to reflect a bit we could move through this pandemic together a bit faster.
Anytime we are out in the outdoors I feel connected to God just by seeing his amazing creation, and the glorious works of His hands.
Beautiful post! When I have traveled, sometimes I get teary inside because I am thanking God for allowing me to be in a foreign place and learning about other cultures and experiencing this time. I also get teary knowing God has made everything on Earth available for us to use and allowing us to travel.
I like photographing sunsets
As the daughter of a minister, church sort-of felt like “take your daughter to work day.” Nature was where I really felt God’s presence from a young age.
Stacey Billingsley
I can relate to this. We just got back from a road trip that included four national parks. I loved being in awe of what I was seeing, and the sense of peace was nice after weeks of low-grade constant stress from what’s been going on in the world. I love to see America the Beautiful!
With church services being virtual and remote I do relish the time in nature even more. Water is definitely my happy place.
Nature is a great way to disconnect from distractions and connect with God. I chose “Be still” (and know that I am God) as my 2020 mantra not knowing how relevant and meaningful those two words would become as we navigate through this new way of life. I find peace and connection while hiking and simply meditating in front of water (lakes /oceans). Beautiful photos…especially the Boundary Waters.
Nature is such a wonderful place to find peace. The silence and beauty aways helps me to turn inward and embrace life.
Great post! I love being outdoors and connecting with God in nature. Also such an important reminder; the most important thing we can do for our country and the world right now is PRAY.
Eva Keller
I think part of what I love about visiting National Parks is the peace and quiet. I live in such a noisy city, which I hate, so getting any kind of peace and quiet is always wonderful.
I do find peace and tranquillity outdoors but also in so many surprising places. God truly does meet us everywhere.
Cindy Mailhot
Water seems to be my destination for tranquility. For some reason a river, ocean, lake, stream…doesn’t matter…tranquility comes whether I am looking for it or not at the time.
Barbara Robinson
I agree! I feel the same!
What an inspirational post! Thank you. The outdoors do the same thing to me especially around a body of water.
Such tremendous encouragement here. And I agree – our country needs fervent prayer. Thank you for this great reminder. God is always present and always near!
Barbara Robinson
I never have time to really just be on trips, or any time in life, at this stage with little ones…but sometime in the future I suppose!
heather J jandrue
The ocean is my favorite place to reconnect with myself and feel God’s presence.
christina d taylor
Loved this. I find tranquility at night. Sometimes I’ll go outside and just stare up at the moon in awe. And think, wow, God made that. Surrounded by nature is the best way for me to have uninterrupted time with God that allows me to completely focus on Him.
I love that verse from Job. You are spot on! We need to remember the Lord first and see his hand in everything. Nature has a way of drawing us closer to God.
I love having quiet moments by myself on vacation to truly reflect on my life and gain a sense of peace….it’s so grounding.
We all need some travel tranquility in our lives right now. Stress levels and feeling uncertain about our lives is bringing a lot of anxiety. This was a lovely post to get us back together and taking care of one another!
I always incorporate tranquility when I travel – it is so important for sanity. I agree we need to come together – everyone.
Reading this made me think back on many of my vacations and trips. It was fun to think about the possible moments I missed out on and can remember and think about now.
Getting away is such a relaxing thing to do. We just got back from camping. I love being in nature and appreciating God’s beauty. I love your relaxing words and pictures.
I love reading about your trips!!!! They sound amazing!!!
Barbara Robinson
Thank you! I appreciate that comment! 🙂
While I think the whole Earth is beautiful, I think God really makes himself known in those beautiful, unique vacation-type settings where you are just overwhelmed with beauty!
Barbara Robinson