When’s the last time you REALLY LOOKED out the window? I don’t mean to suggest when you heard a noise and it took your attention to LOOK at what commotion triggered the noise. I am referring to “REALLY LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW.” What did you see? Have a TRAVEL ADVENTURE THROUGH GLASS with me!
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God’s Creation
If you want to know the Beauty of God,
Look at the Moon.
If you want to know the Power of God,
Look at the Sun.
But, If you want to know
God’s best Creation,
Just, Look in the Mirror.
~Aarya Arban
When’s the last time you REALLY LOOKED out the window? I don’t mean to suggest when you heard a noise and it took your attention to LOOK at what commotion triggered the noise. I am referring to “REALLY LOOKING OUT THE WINDOW.” What did you see?
It could be a TRAIN window…
It could be a CAR window…
It could be a PLANE window…
It could be a BOAT/SHIP window…
It could be a VACATION HOUSE window…
It could be a HOME window…
It could be a SKYSCRAPER window…
It could be a MIRROR…
What did you see?
Our “slice of life windows” all LOOK VERY differently to each of us…how we interpret what we see through those windows/mirrors can also be processed VERY differently!
Windows/mirrors allow us to be voyeurs into scenes that separate us from LIVE ACTIVITY going on around us… We can observe and contemplate. We can digest what we see and tuck it into our hearts for future contemplation. We can register what we are experiencing and immediately engage in the observation. There is no right or wrong direction, but are you REALLY SEEING what is outside of your window or mirror?
Do you view God’s creation through that window/mirror and realize that He made everything your eyes fall upon? Every single item, even you! It amazes me to contemplate that fact. He lovingly spoke into creation all living things.
GENESIS 1:26 Then God said, ‘Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness; so that they may rule over the fish in the sea, and the birds in the sky, and over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.’
GENESIS 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.
GENESIS 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’
GENESIS 1:29 And God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
GENESIS 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food.’ And it was so.
GENESIS 1:31 God saw all that he had made and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning-the sixth day.
I CHOOSE TO SEE all of the wonders that surround me when I look out windows or through a mirror. The vast skies, the deep waters, all the critters of the water, the birds of flight flying over me. Yes, even the bugs that serve a purpose, like our friends the dragonfly that zooms around eating mosquitos. The beauty of God’s creation never ceases to amaze me! We are SO BLESSED!

I CHOOSE TO SEE people, not races or cultures, loving their families and their communities serving and loving one another selflessly as God intended. Teach your children to be color/race blind when choosing life-long friends. Look inside a person for their beauty, not their exteriors or possessions. This is the true measure of character. Character and service are the qualities to look for, not appearance or accumulated wealth. Who is walking the walk? Actions speak louder than words!

I CHOOSE TO SEE Americans, not a political party affiliation, and their loyalty to our one nation under God respecting our nations flag and principles, the Office of the President, and the Constitution of the United States of America. As a country we cannot FORGET the many lives that have been sacrificed so that we may enjoy our freedoms! DO NOT TAKE THOSE FREEDOMS FOR GRANTED.

I CHOOSE TO SEE amazing feats of architecture like this approx. 5 mile long SUSPENSION BRIDGE that connects Michigan’s two halves together while swinging potentially up to thirty-five feet side to side while you are driving over it if the wind is blowing. Engineering and infrastructure maintenance & construction remains moving forward as a NORMAL part of our world! World progress does not stop, neither should we! Crossing this bridge annually on our way to Minnesota on our BWCA trips, is always a wonder!

I CHOOSE TO SEE people engaging in living, shopping, eating ice cream cones, wandering, and relaxing without a care in the world in this small town, America during this ever-lasting pandemic. Let’s get back to some semblance of normal. Get back to work people, before our county implodes economically. The vast majority of healthy Americans, utilizing common sense, can navigate these challenging times to claw their way back to a “new normal!”

I CHOOSE TO SEE a golf course just waiting for golfers to tee off in the early morning sunlight with a gentle, cool breeze reminding one that Fall is near. The air daily becomes brisk and the trees soon will change colors. The grass blades are heavy with morning dew and a fawn and it’s mother have just hopped out of sight into the trees. Fog is present in the distance hovering over the shore areas of the lake in this early hour. Enjoy SUNRISES routinely they are calming and set the tone for a peaceful day!
Carpe Diem! EVERY DAY!

I CHOOSE TO SEE through this arch as the sun rises over an Orlando, FL resort and contemplate the days activities ahead over a steaming cup of coffee. The trees are lush, the air is thick with humidity, the sprinkle of the fountain is tinkling in the calm morning quiet. Birds are soaring overhead. The occasional sounds of early morning can be heard in the distance. It is going to be a beautiful, relaxing day. Travel remains a part of our lives just in a new, more socially distanced way. God’s blessings surround. Grasp them! They are your gift to seize daily, should you choose them!

What’s your epiphany when you look out the window or in your mirror?
What does having an epiphany mean? The dictionary defines it as a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience. It can be from a literary work or section of a work presenting a moment of revelation and insight.
Contemplation leads to opinion forming…My prayer for you is that your observations lead to contemplation that ultimately trigger an epiphany that forms an opinion! WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO SEE will lead you down a path to enlightenment. Form opinions from YOUR OBSERVATIONS, NOT FROM WHAT SURROUNDING NOISE TELLS YOU TO THINK! CHOOSE WELL.
What amazes you when you look through YOUR WINDOW/MIRROR of life wherever you take a minute to contemplate? Leave me a reply below of your epiphany and what YOU CHOOSE TO SEE!! There is NO JUDGMENT HERE… WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE TO SEE?
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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com
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Barbara Robinson
TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!
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April 25, 2020
March 21, 2020
This was a really inspiring post. I’m really not sure what I see, I honestly haven’t taken a really good look in the mirror or out the window in a long while. I know lately with what is going on in the world on tv I definitely see a lot of destruction but where I live is quite peaceful. I do feel for families and what some are going through with the pandemic but I also feel angered how people are so selfish protesting in large groups while others can’t even have a small funeral, wedding, birthday and more. What about the women who can’t have babies with their husband or mother in the rooms? I’m honestly not sure what I would see through that window but I know 2020 will be over soon and I hope so will this crazy pandemic.
Barbara Robinson
You make great points. I agree. It saddens me all the way around. I try each day to put it behind me and move forward in a positive way. I try to lead by example. It is hard.
Life is much about perspective. I also choose to see and notice God’s amazing creation, on vacation and otherwise, architectural wonders (like the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel), and most of all, people as God made them. Beautiful post.
Barbara Robinson
Thanks. Focus on the positive each day. These dark days will get brighter.
This is such a beautiful post! What a beautiful world we have out there if we just choose to see it that way! Inspiring!
What do you choose to see? Wow!
When I was a child, I’d sit in my dad’s car and look out and see the trees zip by. I always asked my dad why the trees seemed to move so fast when I was in his car but never when I walked. He’d always smile but never answer. I had to grow to answer that for myself. The trees weren’t zipping by, I was. Ain’t that something?
Barbara Robinson
Way to make us all think about the paradoxes of life. We all zip by in our daily, hurried life…slowing down to CHOOSE what we really are seeing with our eyes daily is a conscious choice.
Holly B
Beautifully written Barbara! Your positive look through the window is inspiring! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
Barbara Robinson
Thanks Holly! Each day is an opportunity to be positive in a world where positivity is sorely lacking!
We all must remember to take moments to really soak in what is around us and come from a place of love and compassion.
Pamela Martin
I loved your photography and organizational skills. You touched on current events without making it the highlight of the post. It’s all about what you focus on.
Barbara Robinson
Yes and thank you! Keep positivity on our tongues before negativity escapes!
Very beautiful. A well written post about stopping and smelling the roses!
Sydney Delong
Beautifully said! So many people look around and see the bad in the world- it takes a lot to look and see the good!
Barbara Robinson
A daily reminder is necessary for all of us to be positive during these difficult moments.
Lisa Manderino
I wish more people choose to see Americans rather than political parties! Then we could come together and unite instead of tearing each other down.
Barbara Robinson
I agree!
This was an unexpected but fun post to read. 🙂 Thanks for the perspective! We need that positive outlook right now.
This is inspiring! I’m constantly trying to look at my world through different views!
I see God’s creation through the camera lens. Great Post!
Barbara Robinson
Me too! Daily, I see His creation in awe!
Beth Shields
Thank you for your post. Agree completely with everything that you shared and its a deliberate step to make sure you are looking at things with a grateful and positive eye. When I look at these amazing things (whether architecture, nature, or things) I not only marvel at what has been done but then that God has created all of this. Thanks for sharing. Very encouraging.
Barbara Robinson
Thank you for your words! We all need to encourage each other, especially during these difficult times!
Yes, it really is about our choice!
A positive outlook makes everything better.
As I look through my kitchen windows and watch the birds bathe in my fountain, I think about how my goal when purchasing this short sale home was to bring the birds, bees, and colors so I could commune with nature when I look outside. I have a huge shady tree out front that I planted. The sound of bubbling water in the fountain I installed. And now birds who come to visit me. 🙂
Barbara Robinson
THAT sounds and describes a BEAUTIFUL scene out your window! ENJOY daily while thanking God for your blessings that surround you! Lucky lady!
Sabrina DeWalt
A beautifully written piece.
Lovely post. I wish everyone around the globe would be of the same mind.
Great post! Often we are too caught up in the business around us to catch God’s beauty that is so evident. I love when I am the passenger in the car and get to enjoy the scenery 🙂
Melissa Jones
Wonderful thoughts.
Beautiful post! I love your focus on how we choose what we see…and we can choose to see the glory of God all around us and the beauty and goodness that represents him.
Barbara Robinson
Thanks! That’s my prayer for the world!
Great post very inspirational. I needed this today. I usually see the positive and am kind and love everybody but recently have struggled with the chaos of the world and it’s been a little harder to not be scared and focus on anything else but the fear. I always say “that that we focus on increases.” So I focus on the positive but it was really hard for me today. There is always some beauty and something to be grateful for I just needed to be inspired again. Thanks
Barbara Robinson
I am so glad! It is so worth the effort to hear I have helped someone! Similarly, I too have been struggling, and I am a very positive person also! You are not alone!
Nicely written! I choose NOT to watch the news so that my mind isn’t weighed down by the horrible things happening in the world. I choose NOT to allow the negativity at work to affect me. I choose to see all the beauty in nature, in my family, and in the home that I have helped to build.
Barbara Robinson
Very well said! I agree with everything you are saying! Press on!
This post is such a great reminder that every day we can choose to see what’s brighter, more beautiful, more balanced and more hopeful. Out my window I see glorious sunsets.
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
Very positive!
This is a wonderful outlook on life. I will pay more attention to what I am seeing next time I look out of a window and see what amazing and inspiring things I can find.
Alexis Farmer
What a beautifully written and inspiring post! Definitely agree with you 💯
Loved this post. Thank you for sharing it.
Emily Ackerman
I love this!!! Thank you!
Mariah French
This is awesome! It’s all about how we choose to view the world and the people in it that make a difference.
Such a great post about perspective. I needed this today!
Cindy Mailhot
I am often talking about reframe which is looking at things a different way. I love the message here.
Danielle Ardizzone
Every morning, I look out my office window for a little while before I log on for work. I sip my coffee and find contentment as I watch the birds and butterflies dance among the blades of grass. It’s truly a calming experience.
Thanks for this beautiful post. It’s all about perspective and looking at the glass half full.
Yes I agree! I love windows. And I choose to see the beauty, wonder and mystery in the world.
Yes!! The joys of traveling are to look out every window and see God’s creation, human accomplishments or just humanity in general of varied cultures.
For me, I like to think that while I am looking at life through my windows I am filtering it with what the Bible says. The way you put this helps me to realize how important it is. Without God, It colors the way we see people, our experiences, and life in general. We are all created by God even the bugs. Thanks for sharing this powerful message.
Barbara Robinson
Thank you for receiving this message as it was intended…to encourage! 🙂
Terra Booth
I think that this is a really interesting way to look at things! I am always appreciating what I see when I am out and about but never really thought about what I see when I look through a window or into a mirror.
I love traveling because you can see so much out of so many windows!!
What a neat post! It is truly all about our persepctive and what we choose to see. Love the photos!
Barbara Robinson
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed looking at something with new eyes!
A wonderfully positive post! Trying to teach my kids to see the positive, especially with everything going on in the world. A positive perspective can really make a difference in your mood and how you treat others.
Barbara Robinson
YES! THAT is completely the point! 🙂
Danielle Ardizzone
I love this idea! Such a unique perspective!