It’s 23 degrees in Michigan, March 2020, COVID-19 has our nation canceling all foreseeable large group gatherings. No worries, we don’t enjoy crowds. It’s ROAD TRIP TIME! We decided not to cancel our (click the link to read) spring break run to the sun! No problem social distancing when we want peace and quiet and SUNSHINE! We will limit our contact to others upon our return home for 2 weeks after our trip, since schools and sports are closed for the foreseeable future. We’re focusing on quarantining in the fresh air and sunshine (Virus cannot survive in high humid temps) for now, taking our vitamin C to keep up our immune system, disinfecting, and steering clear of other’s germs IN FLORIDA!!
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Do you have SPRING BREAK PLANS? Click on this link for ideas!
After a long winter lacking adequate sunlight, the hint of sunshine in late February teases us with the idea of making spring break plans quickly for a March get-away! Immediately my brain began churning with thoughts of where we should escape to sunshine on our spring break plans each year!
First stop on this road trip was in Kokomo, Indiana. We stopped at an interstate highway Hotel…it was awful. Plastic gloves and hand sanitizer and bleach wipes came out first thing! I hate when trusted websites show pictures of the hotel that are not in reality the same as a real life visual experience. Early the next morning we left there driving towards Louisville, Kentucky and traveled through Nashville, Tennessee. These are pretty big locations to navigate traffic through, but not as big as Atlanta, Georgia where we ended our day on the south side of that metropolis in a town named Forsyth, GA. We located a very nice interstate highway hotel there and redeemed my faith in my favorite website. Reality matched the photos. Still bleach wiped light switches, door handles and all surfaces!! We ordered pizza and were pleasantly surprised by Marco’s Pizza chain!! REALLY tasty pizza and cheese bread and they were quick! The temperature is a humid, warm 65.

We woke to a beautiful sunny warm day! The temperature steadily increased as we traveled due south into Florida peaking at 94 degrees. Our first destination is Orlando. We’ll stay for 6 days at The Fountains condominiums.
The Fountains are known for their amazing selection of pools. Soaking up the sunshine and just sighing in relief of a deep soak in the sun is forever my happy place. Best place ever to be self-quarantined whether off the club house by the lake…
Or around the main pool in the center of the compound where all the activity is located…
The experience is wonderful and full of family memory making opportunities.
Daily the sun was shining bright and temperatures peaked near ninety degrees. Card playing under the umbrella pool deck started most mornings, culminating to seeking the pool’s water to cool off into the afternoon. Smoothies and snacks on the pool deck rounded out the afternoon. Evening grilling out was easiest for dinner before lounging on the balcony deck to enjoy cold drinks and more card playing to finish out the day.
Early morning sunrises were fabulous to enjoy with a cup of coffee from our balcony. I think this is one of my favorite spots to take in these little moments of tranquility and peacefulness.
We woke Wednesday morning to notification that the common areas, club house, fitness center, restaurants, and pools would be closed effective immediately due to the virus. Bummer! Hard to believe any germ or virus could survive the amount of chlorine present in the pool. Looks like a day of card playing and relaxing in the condo and on the balcony. We will leave tomorrow. The beaches in Volusia County remain open through Saturday. It was a restful day!
Thursday morning we packed up and headed Northeast over to Daytona Beach. Normal there is to drive on the sandy beach, park right on the ocean beach and play in the sun all day!
We checked into our hotel on the oceanfront and went straight into the ocean! Body surfing with huge waves was very fun. Patches of sand rashes were found that evening on all. The water was very refreshing and healthy. No germs can survive in salt water!
My boys prefer trips to the ocean over other destinations so this move made them VERY HAPPY! The football, frisbee, kites and other beach entertainments came out quickly! The hotel had an outdoor pool area and an open air grass roof deck for shade separately. We enjoyed blue skies and giggles for 2 days here before it was time to head home.

Morning sunrises remain my favorite time of day along with evening sunsets over the ocean (click this link to read more about sunrise and sunset). There is something so peaceful about the lulling sound of the ocean, the call of a sea bird. Close your eyes and feel the ocean moist, salty breeze caress your face and feel the warmth of the sun rays on your skin. HEAVENLY! God’s inspiration is so present in these quiet moments. Add a rockin’ cup of hot coffee to the mix and total perfection can be achieved!

We packed up and started the journey home Saturday morning. I guess it’s time to join the rest of the world in mass hysteria and overwhelming panic fed by fear about this virus. We were practicing social isolation naturally on vacation. So, now we have to be more vigilant about interactions at gas stations, restaurants, and hotels from FLORIDA to MICHIGAN. The temperature stayed consistently in the 80s. Crossing from North Carolina into West Virginia in the mountains the temperature dropped into the 70s then down to the mid 40s. The temperature at home is in the teens, so we are trying to soak up as much warmth as possible before the plummet occurs.
First stop on the way home will be in the West Virginia mountains in a town called Beckley. It was just a fast stop off to leave early the next morning to return back to Michigan on Sunday the 22nd. We trust in God for all blessings and protection. Hand sanitizer, bleach wipes, and plastic gloves are in our arsenal too!

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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
About Me
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com
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Barbara Robinson
TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!
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April 25, 2020
April 25, 2020
Love road trips. Have done Route 66 and most of the Great River Road. Made up a few of my own. If it wasn’t for COVID-19, I’d be on a trip now from Minnesota to Charleston SC. Three week road trip with a Navy Reunion in the middle of it.
Stay tuned, I’m actually working on another blog post to detail our entire road trip looping from Michigan to YELLOWSTONE and back hitting every possible national park along the way! It was fun! Glad you enjoyed it! I am very familiar with Route 66. The town I grew up in (in MICHIGAN) is where Route 66 starts (or ends) depending on which direction you travel. Cool history! Very sorry you missed your road trip. It sounded adventurous!
I love Daytona! The last half of my honeymoon was there. This looks like a great trip, so glad you were still able to go!
I had gone on spring break there with friends when in college myself. It was fun to return with my Highschool/college age kiddos to see it through their eyes! Thanks for the feed back!
We love road trips! I’m glad you were able to enjoy your spring break! It looks like you had a great time!
This is the trip my Farmer and I talk about doing every year. It’s a bit further for us to drive, coming from Idaho, but we so want to. Some day. Thanks for sharing your trip. I will remember the place you stayed and mark it as a place to check out. Stay safe and healthy through this crazy time.
Glad I could inspire! Same safety message back to you! Thank you!
Love road trips and can’t wait to start planning them again! Looks like a fun time!
I’m so jealous! Wish we could go on a road trip right now. I like your videos, they really help show how great everything looks!
Thank you! I appreciate your review!
So glad you were able to go enjoy. I am surprised the ocean was still open but I agree nothing should be able to live in that or chlorine and sunshine. Lol
Barbara Robinson
Daytona Beach closed on the Saturday of our check out! Orlando closed while we were there.
Road trips can be so fun! It looks like you and your family made the best of a difficult time and had a grand time. Thanks for sharing your road trip fun!
Barbara Robinson
Yes! We did have a great bonding time… alone! 🙂
This looks great – and love that you mentioned in the comments about a road trip from MI to Yellowstone! Can’t wait to hear about that one!
Barbara Robinson
It was great fun! We did it twice! Kids are older now…probably not on their list of fun things anymore!
Looks like a fantastic road trip and just the right time too! The beaches along the way look epic!
I’m glad you were still able to enjoy your sunny vacation in Florida. I’m sure it did wonders for your mental health during this craziness.
Barbara Robinson
YES! We were able to focus on our family, kept an ear to the news, but it wasn’t all consuming!
Eva Keller
Looks like a great trip. Can’t wait until I can take a beach getaway again. It’s rough being stuck in an apartment with no outdoor space.
Barbara Robinson
Try to keep sme fresh air flowing through the windows! I find that brightens my mood.
Road trips are so much fun! We had to cancel ours, hopefully we can go later in the year. Beaches are such a blast, our kids love them too.
Barbara Robinson
Glad you enjoyed! Thanks for the comment!
Tara | Travel
Your road trip sounds awesome!! Our family has never been big on road trips, but after this stay at home thing is over we will most likely be taking one just to get out of “dodge!”
Cindy Mailhot
We have stayed in a few of those hotels ourselves…1 was particularly memorable 🙁 That is part of the road trip adventure though!
alison netzer
Road trips can be so fun and yours sounded like it was awesome. Too bad Covid crept in, but it still looks as if you had a blast.
Lori Nielsen
Road trips can be lots of fun! I love how you had lots of water activities.
Stacey Billingsley
That sounds like a fun trip! I could use a beach vacation right about now. I love spending time in Florida. I can’t wait to get back!
I love beach trips! I grew up near Beckley, WV in Charleston.
I’m a road-trip convert – mainly day trips – but finding the joy of slower travel.
Lisa Manderino
Florida sounds like a great escape and perfect road trip.
We enjoy relaxing and playing cards too. 🙂
heather J Jandrue
This sounds like a great time. March 2020 seems so long ago. LOL
Cindy Moore
Sounds like a wonderful family time, just as everything began changing due to COVID. The beach must have been bliss!
Barbara Robinson
Yes! We left the day the beaches in FLorida were closed! No one was out on the beaches the weekend prior to that! It was the perfect time to be at the beach social isolating!
Road trips are so fun! I’m glad you got to get out a bit.
We love road trips. Sadly, our Spring Break trip last year was canceled – we were scheduled to leave the day after they closed all the beaches. Sounds like you had a wonderful and safe trip! We are trying again this year!!!
Barbara Robinson
The last day of our trip the beaches all closed in Daytona, so we headed back to Michigan to face quarantine…
Stacey Billinglsey
We love road-tripping to Florida! I’m hoping to go in 2022 or 2023 for our next trip. We try to go every other summer, but Covid threw our schedule off. Ha! We’re planning a road trip this summer to Yellowstone. Maybe some other national parks, too. I miss the beach, though!
Tricia Snow
Looks awesome!
Looks like an amazing road trip! Good thing you snuck it in before everything closed! I can’t wait until we can start moving around freely again. I miss road trips!
We love to road trip too. I love going new places and finding new attractions along the way. It makes it all that much more fun.
heather J Jandrue
Sounds like a great road trip. Nothing like a little sun and warm weather to brighten your day.
I like discovering something new on roadtrips
We’re changing our travel behaviors also and planning to take a road trip and stay in a cabin for a few days soon. I’ve always been one to pick the fastest route to the destination, but learning to appreciate the entire journey.
I love road trips! Growing up, we never went anywhere on vacation unless we drove. I have so many vivid memories of those times. I’m glad you and your family got to head out on a road trip before everything shut down! Looks like you stopped at some pretty amazing places! Thank you for sharing your trip as I think I found some new places I need to visit.
Barbara Robinson
Glad you enjoyed following along!
This was such a fun adventure! I saw you’re from Michigan too. Can’t wait for spring (and summer)! Have a good day!