Shark tooth hunting in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina became a destination and activity near and dear to our hearts, as a family, over the years! We started taking our boys there to hunt for shark teeth when they were toddlers as a family-friendly destination for my husband and I to “get away” during the colder spring months in Michigan.
Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in:
If you’re a local to the grand strand, or thinking about moving to Myrtle Beach, SC, and planning to rent an apartment or buy a home, this city has a lot to offer. But with so much to see and do, it can be overwhelming for new residents to know where to start. To help you make the most of your time living in Myrtle Beach, we’ve put together a list of must-try experiences and unique things to do from locals to the area.
Read the full article here: The Ultimate Myrtle Beach, SC Bucket List | Redfin
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No one can ever take your memories from you – each day is a new beginning, make good memories every day. ~Catherine Pulsifer
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina became a destination near and dear to our hearts, as a family, over the years! We started taking our boys there when they were toddlers as a family-friendly destination for my husband and I to “get away” during the colder spring months in Michigan. Promising hints of the spring-to-come at home would tease us, and warm sunshine was plentiful at the beach in South Carolina while it would remain storming away in Michigan. It was easy to get there, yet far enough away to be considered “a trip!” We would make it an adventuresome ROAD TRIP traveling through the Virginia Mountains then cutting over to the ocean. Our young children, at the time, thought this was an amazing adventure to the ocean! We always consulted our TOP 10 THINGS TO PACK FOR TRAVEL before departing too!
2008 -
This routine evolved to become an annual spring break routine as our boys grew! Each one of us looked forward to this “family get-away” for different reasons! Myrtle Beach, SC has many attractions that draws us each year. The shows, the aquarium, the shopping, the restaurants, the resort pools, the ocean, the boardwalk, the ocean fishing, SUNRISE & SUNET, the sun and the sand! Lots of reasons to LOVE this place! This location has evolved to be our MEMORABLE MYRTLE BEACH!
Two events typically coincide with our annual trek to Myrtle Beach that make it memorable AND different each visit. The car show RUN TO THE SUN that Myrtle Beach hosts annually where the hot rods cruise the strip and burn their rubber making smoke clouds for the tourists AND March Madness College basketball tournaments! We have our favorite sports bars to enjoy wings and various other snacks while we root our MICHIGAN STATE SPARTANS on GO GREEN! As alumni, both my husband and I have brain washed our boys. They both bleed green too! 🙂

Several resturants on Ocean Blvd. have outdoor seating where you can enjoy snack and drinks while watching the games AND enjoying the hot rods on the strip burn their rubber when egged on by hoots and hollers from pedestrians. We LOVE to watch from our condo above the strip too, especially at night when they cruise with their colorful neon lights illuminating underneath the cars as they show off for whomever will watch them! We try to reserve our corner tower condo with both a city view and an ocean view as the building is glass construction. The rooms offer unobstructed views that are spectacular in all directions.

2011 -
As the boys grew, their interests altered from sand castle building and aquarium visits to more ocean play and interest in beach activities like throwing the football, tackling each other, burying each other in the sand, body surfing, and marine life. This is when the shark tooth competition was born! Everything’s a competition in a household of men! From arm wrestles to who can collect the most shark’s teeth on an ocean walk! Obviously, this is a great distraction to entertain them for hours! It works for me!
I enjoy sitting all day long in the sun on the beach with a book or napping. Totally relaxing! Josh joins me sometimes when he is not SHARK TOOTH HUNTING!

The boys, my husband included, can’t sit still for long. They realized how much fun it was to collect shells, we call them carolina shells because they are shells we have only ever seen in abundance there. This evolved into “SHARK TOOTH” hunting when the boys were in middle school. Local gift shops sold shark tooth necklaces. The displays of shark teeth (some very impressive large ones) intrigued the boys to ask questions of the shop owners as to where these teeth were found. This led to the hunt for the shark teeth! Many locals do this and sell them to the shop owners for necklaces or hobby crafts. They get fairly good money for the teeth!
Each morning at sunrise my husband and my oldest son go walk the surf to see what the ocean churned up the night before. They don’t return until late morning for breakfast. My youngest son and I are sleepers. When my youngest wakes he likes to go for a run on the beach from pier to pier then relax with me. He seems to return from his run with several shark’s teeth too! They have the eye for finding them!
I love the peace and quiet of the ocean sounds along with a cup of coffee in the fresh ocean air on the balcony. It is a win-win for all! When they all return for breakfast, we get to hear all the stories of who they met that morning on their walk or run, what they found, where they found the shark’s teeth, etc.
We like to speculate and imagine where the shark’s teeth came from, what species, how old they might be…all of these questions factor into the intrigue of collecting them. Jacob has always been my most scientifically curious one! He’s collected charts of teeth and species for reference. The guys are ever on the hunt for a Megalodon tooth! They’re sure this prehistoric tooth will wash up on shore one day for them to randomly find!

The boys are young men now. They are approaching that phase of life where they will want to spend their spring vacations apart from us, I’m sure. This is a natural process and we fully expect these eventualities. Myrtle Beach definitely holds a very special place in ALL of our hearts. The family bonding and memories that happen here are deeply ingrained into our lives. We will continue this tradition, for sure, but probably not as often as we have in the past as the boys interests and time available are changing. Hopefully one day, the boys will bring their own families here to experience and bond too.
Life’s turn of events led our young family many years ago to Myrtle Beach, SC. We have developed quite an affinity for this location as a family to bond and spend time together. We developed our own routine during our time spent here. As newly transitioning empty-nesters these changes of routines are an adjustment, but natural for us to experience. Great memories come to mind when considering Myrtle Beach, SC. We hope your family has created your own special place of where memories are being created or were created. Comment below to share your special place!
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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
About Me
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com
Barbara Robinson
TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!
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December 3, 2022
August 21, 2022
Linda Egeler
I am very impressed by your collection of shark teeth! As a fellow Michigander, I can’t believe I’ve never been to Myrtle Beach. My folks are in Florida, so that is where we always head to on spring break. Go Green!
Barbara Robinson
That destination developed one year because we had waiting too long to make reservations in Florida and Florida was BOOKED UP! So glad for how things worked out!
I love this! So much family fun! I had no idea you could find shark’s teeth on the beaches! Cool!
I had no idea all those shark teeth were just laying around! How weird and wonderous finding them would be for kids!
My son and his wife have been bringing their girls from Ohio to Myrtle Beach every year since they were babies! When their third daughter was born 8 years ago they needed a third set of hands so Gramma started to go along each year as well! We’ve made great memories at “The Beach” – as the girls call it (I’m pretty sure they thought it was the ONLY beach for a number of years)! I think they’re ready to add shark tooth hunting to the itinerary and we’ll have a lot more time to do that now because I bought my retirement home here in October and they’ll be joining me as permanent Myrtle Beach residents at the end of this school year!
Barbara Robinson
THAT’S SO EXCITING! We LOVE MYRTLE BEACH! We have found the best spots for shark tooth hunting from Pier 14 up to 77th street! ENJOY! Make many more family memories!
I’ve never been but still hoping to go in August. Thank you for sharing!
That is SO cool! We would love to hunt for these! We love everything about sharks!
That looks so fun! We visited Myrtle Beach a few years ago and really loved it! We’ll have to try that when we go back.
Danielle Ardizzone
It’s great that you made such beautiful, fun memories with your boys as they grow into adulthood!
Douglas Jasper
Looks awesome. Myrtle Beach is on our bucket list.
This looks so fun! I have been dying to plan a beach trip. I’ve never hunted for shark teeth, but this is so cool!
Lisa Manderino
That is a lot of sharks teeth! What a great family tradition!
Stacey Billingsley
This looks so fun! I haven’t been to Myrtle Beach, but the looks of the area kind of remind me of Virginia Beach. I hope to go to Myrtle Beach one day. The shark teeth remind me of a time when we were staying in St. Augustine, Florida. As we ate breakfast in our hotel, a lady came up to us and asked if my daughter would like the shark’s teeth she found that morning. Heck yeah!
WOW! Looks like you had an amazing time! I love your pictures and your family is so awesome!
I have never been to Myrtle Beach but it sounds like a great place especially for family traditions. I have spent some time in Michigan, part of it in East Lansing, so, Go Spartans!
Barbara Robinson
Finding shark teeth is such a cool family tradition for the beach. Didn’t expect them to be so dark. Lol
Barbara Robinson
My boys tell me the white ones are relatively newer teeth and the black ones are really older teeth.
What a great post! I enjoyed seeing your sons grow through the years.
Myrtle Beach is fun, but I prefer a mountain cabin..thanks
Good luck on that megaladon tooth!
I have two boys who would definitely be interested in competing with each other in a shark tooth finding competition. I’ll have to suggest this to them the next time we go to the beach.
Sabrina DeWalt
What a wonderful tradition to share with your boys. Those are the things I miss most since my boys have grown up.
heather J jandrue
Wow! That is quite the collection. Next time we are down in that area I will have to see what we can find. We have collected many shells, but no shark teeth.
I love Myrtle Beach! My family used to go there every year for summer vacation. We were always shell collectors instead of shark teeth. It was always fun to find the biggest or prettiest shell each day.
Barbara Robinson
We started with shells…I still love the shells there!
What a fun family adventure! I’ve never looked for shark teeth on the beach.
Fun progression of your family visits. We love Myrtle Beach.
Emily Ackerman
Wow look at those teeth! Way better than shell hunting. Great fam!
Monica Lee Fish
WHOA!! I had no idea there were so many sharks teeth there! We are timeshare travelers and MB has tons of them so this spot is on our 5 year list. Pinning your article for later!
Barbara Robinson
Try staying at Seaglass Towers!
Katherine Wolfe
That’s a whole lot of shark teeth! Eeeks!
Wow, you sure found a lot of shark teeth! Looks like a great place to vacation with lots of memories made.
What wonderful memories you have made! I love the shark tooth competition. And I totally get that everything is a competition when men and boys are involved, lol. I have four older brothers and a son of my own.
Barbara Robinson
🙂 YOU made me smile…boys/men…such different behavior than us girls!
We’ve never been to Myrtle Beach… many other coastal towns, but never here. We may have to reconsider this!
What wonderful family memories! Myrtle Beach looks so beautiful. And I had no idea you could find shark teeth lying on the beach! My curiosity is leading me to do some research on that!
Carrie Beaton
This looks like a great family vacation spot! So many great restaurants and shark tooth hunting!
Eva Keller
What a nice tradition. I don’t think I’ve ever been to Myrtle Beach unless my family went when I was younger, since it seems like everyone has been at least once.
Beth Shields
Amazing and very interesting. But I must admit the pile of teeth – with their extreme variation in sizes kind of creeped me out. And like you said, hard to speculate on how they all got there. Myrtle beach is fun though. Thanks for sharing.
Such a great tradition to have with your family. My kiddos would love to hunt for shark teeth, especially my shark loving son! Hopefully, we can make it to Myrtle Beach sometime and give it a shot!
Tiffany Smith
I have never found shark teeth on the beach but I would love to, maybe I should try Myrtle Beach!
I did not realize shark tooth hunting was a thing in Myrtle Beach, SC…or anywhere. You have quite a collection!
Barbara Robinson
It has turned into quite the hobby for the guys to see who can collect the most and try to identify what species of shark the tooth may have come from. It is entertaining!
We are heading to Myrtle Beach this summer so I’ll definitely have to look for some shark teeth!
Tricia Snow
I never knew there were shark’s teeth that far north! Great info! We love to hunt for them!
Oh wow! how interesting. We are going to Myrtle Beach this summer. It was a timely reading. Thanks for sharing. I just curious why those teeth are so black?
Barbara Robinson
White teeth are newly lost teeth over long periods of time they turn black. Most of the time, shark teeth that you find on the beach are black because they’re fossilized. In the process of fossilization, the minerals that are naturally in shark teeth are replaced by other minerals that were in the rock or soil where the tooth was buried.
We were in Myrtle Beach a few years ago, but the kids didn’t find any teeth. Not sure if they were REALLY looking… Next time! LOL
Myrtle Beach looks so fun and I’ve been wanting to visit for seriously over a decade. Hope to take my kids there!
Barbara Robinson
It is the PERFECT family vacation beach retreat!
And you aren’t the first person I know who’s a diehard Michigan State fan. 😉 I can’t believe how many shark teeth you can find on the beach!
Barbara Robinson
We are currently here again this spring break! It never disappoints!
We recently moved to Myrtle Beach from Texas. Wanted to ask if you have any tips on how to find sharks teeth on the beach. I’ve just started walking the beach looking but so far nothing.
Barbara Robinson
Go to Pier 14 and walk out the boardwalk to the restaurant. Walk 1 mile either direction from the restaurant on the shore line. Best at sunrise and after a storm. It never fails!
WOW! You guys hit the motherload! I love going to Myrtle Beach and shark tooth hunting too! I shared about our recent trip there this past summer too on my blog! We go there every year and love it! So much fun! Thanks for sharing your trip!
Barbara Robinson
It is a place near to our hearts for sure!
What a fun, family oriented adventure! The memories you made with your boys, and hopefully (maybe?) their children will be treasured for many years to come. I’m wondering if I can talk my husband into taking me hunting for shark teeth.. 🙂
Barbara Robinson
It never gets old! We really enjoy this area!
Tammy Horvath
We’ve been to Myrtle Beach, and my son always looked for shark’s teeth. He was so fascinated with them. We even bought him a chain with a shark’s tooth, and he never took it off. You have amazing pictures and memories to treasure. I’m glad you escaped the cold and headed to the beach.
Barbara Robinson
It is a blessing to return here often! We truly love it here!
Terra Booth
This is so cool! My daughter would be all over it for sure. As it is, she spends hours on the beach looking for beach glass so I can only imagine how fascinated she would be to find shark teeth!
Barbara Robinson
It is a great past-time! THAT and kite flying on the beach!
As a native of NY transplanted in SC, I have to admit that I have only been there twice in the last 7 years. Based on your experience I am certainly missing a lot including hunting for Shark teeth. Great review.
Barbara Robinson
We have also discovered trick kite flying…more to come on that!
Melissa Jones
That sounds like such a fun thing! I’ve been to the beach on several occasions, but I’ve never even considered looking for shark teeth! How neat!
We haven’t made it to Myrtle Beach yet, but my kids would LOVE to go hunting for shark teeth! Thanks for sharing!