Mountains provide the idea of power. Mountains majesty are something tangible we can visualize and relate to when we gaze upon them. These huge immovable structures are beyond belief in size and structure.

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“If you are faced with a mountain, you have several options. You can climb it and cross to the other side. You can go around it. You can dig under it. You can fly over it. You can blow it up. You can ignore it and pretend it’s not there. You can turn around and go back the way you came. Or you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.”

 ~(Vera Nazarian)

Mountains provide the ideas of majesty and power. They are something tangible we can visualize and relate to when we gaze upon them. They are used as a reference in the bible over and over again to provide imagery of power, greatness, and represents an immovable solid force. Many examples of mountains come to mind. From ALASKA to HAWAII, cold climates to warm humid ones and several in between, I can think of many majestic mountains that intrigue a travel experience. DAYDREAM TRAVEL ADVENTURE with me to contemplate the power and majesty of mountains.


 Mauna Kea on the BIG Island of Hawai’i is the highest peak in the Pacific. Mauna Kea is the tallest mountain on Earth as measured from base to summit. Standing at 13,796 feet above sea level. Much of the mountain is underwater and if measured from its oceanic base, it would be 33,000 feet tall, which would be higher than Mount Everest which is measured at 29,029 feet! WHAT! I know, hard to believe that this could be located in Hawai’i with it’s snow cap. It is intriguing to contemplate its SUNRISE or SUNSET (peaking over or setting beneath) this opulent natural wonder!

The Na Pali Coastline on the island of KAU’AI is also very impressive to me, but in another way…the sheerness of the cliffs covered in lush green ground cover provide almost two-dimensional mountains rising parallel to each other leaving incredibly tall and narrow valleys between them. This vast, rugged beauty continues down the coastline for sixteen miles!

Kauai Na Pali Coastline of Mountain cliffs rise to heights of 4,000 feet above sea level. PIN IT #27



These rigid mountain peaks are amongst the highest in the continental United States. The top one-third of these mountains are Alpine Tundra, a windswept area above the treeline, where is it is difficult for more than very slow-growing lichen to survive. It is also here that the Continental Divide is located. Rain that falls on either side of this imaginary line will travel through river systems either to the Pacific Ocean or to the Atlantic Ocean depending on where it lands in relation to the divide line. AMAZING!

These glorious mountains are magnificent! One must gaze in awe at their vast, harsh beauty!



Heading south out of Yellowstone National Park one travels through the Grand Teton National Park’s beauty. These amazing mountains can be enjoyed through this video below!




Yellowstone is it’s own kind of wilderness beauty. From streams, to waterfalls to mountain majesty…truly one of the most ruggedly amazing landscapes in the United States! Enjoy your own YELLOWSTONE ADVENTURE here!

PIN IT #11

This mountainous terrain is breathtakingly beautiful to observe!

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My Uncle lived in Alaska for many years. The following is a highlight list of his favorite mountain pictures and stories to share with you.

There are thousands of mountains in the State of Alaska.  Many are named and many are not.  Some are famous, such as Mount Denali, and many are not. Regardless of their status or height, those that he has viewed from land, water, and in the air are all beautiful.  When flying across Alaska at 35,000 feet, one will see hundreds of square miles of uninterrupted mountain ranges. Certainly, if the Alaskan mountains were flattened out, the state would triple in size.

Above, the highest peak you see just right of center is Mount St. Elias located just south of the Yukon, Canada Border and northwest of Yakutat, Alaska. Height 18,008 feet.  The flat area below the mountain range is the Malaspina Glacier.  The glacier covers an area larger than some of our states in the lower 48.  As an example, Rhode Island would fit very nicely on Malaspina Glacier and have room to spare.

This is an aerial view above of Mount Denali in February.  Nothing green  below in this part of Alaska in February.  As most folks know, Mount Denali is located about halfway between Anchorage and Fairbanks.  She stands 20,310 feet high into the sky above sea level. Mount Denali (also known as Mount McKinley, its former official name) is the highest mountain peak in North America. Without a doubt, it is the most popular mountain in Alaska.

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Mount Edgecumbe (above) is an inactive volcano located on Kruzof Island.  Sitka Residents have a very clear view of the volcano directly across the Sitka Sound from the city.  Mount Edgecumbe is a beautiful mountain and is probably the most photographed mountain in SE Alaska. In the early 1970’s an article appeared in most Alaskan Newspapers about an “April Fools joke” an unnamed local helicopter pilot played on the residents of Sitka.  During the night, the pilot loaded several old tires in his chopper.  He flew over to Mount Edgecumbe, landed in the crater, and off-loaded the tires.  Just before daylight he set fire to the tires and flew back to town.  When Sitka folks started their day, they were quite surprised and a little alarmed to see the Volcano had become active.  Of course it wasn’t long before the truth was known and from what the papers printed, everyone thought it was the best “April Fools Joke” ever and held no hard feelings.  Alaskan humor tends to be a little unique.

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Green Monster Mountain is located at the upper end of Dora Bay of Cholmondeley Sound which is on the east side of Prince of Wales Island. My uncle and his crew spent a summer carrying out Coastal Zone Studies on the bays in the Sound. They were looking for sites to recommend to the US Forest Service as suitable log dumping sites. Dora Bay was not only one of the most picturesque Bays in the Sound, but a highly important nursery and holding grounds for various marine species, such as, Spottail Shrimp, Dungeness Crab, Clams, Salmon and others. The US Forest Service accepted their recommendations to use other bays to bring their logs down to the water to be to rafted and towed off.  Because of the incredibly beautiful Bay, its productive waters serving so many varied marine species, and the giant sentinel up at the head end of the bay, the unusual  name of Green Monster Mountain will be forever imprinted in memory.

For more tales from my uncle read about FORESTER ISLAND ADVENTURE , Daydream Travel Adventure #4 of 7 Ways to Daydream Travel Adventure, or KETCHIKAN ALASKA, 1971.

Mountains majesty

The Psalmist declares, “Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him with music and song. For the Lord is the great God, the great King above all gods. In His hands are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him. The sea is His, for he made it, and His hands formed the dry land.

~Psalms 95:1-5.


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About me

A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.





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