MICHIGAN UPPER PENINSULA CAMPING NEAR MUNISING is a dream come true for natural wonders of raw beauty. Unbelievable natural features such as cascading waterfalls, amazing sunsets over bodies of glistening water, and views that take your breath away in awe are prevalent!
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“Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads.” —Henry David Thoreau
Life is passing us by as we live a fast paced lifestyle trying to achieve. We tend to forget what matters most sometimes, like our soul deep peace and enjoyment of this life we are all leading. Do you take time to slow down and just breathe? Nature has a way of grabbing us to remind us of the bigger picture in life. We are conformed instantly into specks of existence against the magnificence of the whole. Perspective is gained and a look at our lives through a new lens opens our eyes to reality. God is so great big and omnipotent. He is present everywhere if we only but look around. We forget that sometimes in our frantic overscheduled daily life.
“Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.”
~Albert Einstein
Recently, we did just that, we slowed life down and took a wilderness excursion into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan near the Munising area. WOW! What a great place to unwind! Tranquility, peace, wilderness, camping opportunities, canoeing and fishing, hiking were all available to enjoy.
Where do you like to escape to nature? Do you have a favorite wilderness place that centers you back to what is most important?
Whatever you choice for seeking peace and tranquility in your life, I hope you will enjoy our recommendation for a Northern Michigan Upper Peninsula retreat near Munising.
Join with family and friends to focus on our suggestion of a trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan near the Munising, Michigan area. The vast number of camping options along with the waterfalls, fishing and hiking make it such a great place to spend quality time with your families!
“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” —Rachel Carso
No electricity, spotty cell signal, no in-door plumbing all are recipes for truly enjoying nature undisturbed! Wilderness camping or rustic camping can be so much fun. Quietly listening to the sounds of the woods, or the call of the frogs on the evening air can lull one into such a feeling of complete relaxation! Try chasing a lightening bug or two like you are twelve again! It is such fun!
Do you enjoy the wilderness? Even just doing without electricity for 1 night is great training for conservation! The stars seem brighter, the s’mores taste better, and the family fun revolves around horse play instead of “phones!” Card games or board games are played ad nauseum! Memories are made and tucked away!
“I go to nature to be soothed and healed, and to have my senses put in order.” —John Burroughs
Get together with family to hammock camp! It is truly the best nights sleep! Okay, okay, I too was a sceptic about the whole hammocking idea… But, I have to tell you, it really is more comfortable than you may think! Your spine is supported in a very different way. SO, that along with the slight sway from the breeze, hammocking provides such an enjoyable experience! You will probably sleep late! Note! Be sure your hammock rig-up provides a ridgeline to keep you from sagging into a banana!
Using a tent is not a bad choice either! Campers work too! Each camper has to decide what is most perfect for themselves!
“There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature—the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” —Rachel Carson
Okay, who loves to canoe? Yes, this is something our family likes to do! We like to launch in different lakes and paddle around fishing for whatever is biting! It is relaxing and builds up an appetite! One morning my husband actually got up before daybreak to go Muskie fishing in a nearby lake close to where we we staying. He and his buddy Joe had a blast paddling and exploring!
It was fun to fish! It was fun to paddle! It was great fun to see the kids enjoying this adventures so much using the canoes that we could launch right from our campsite!
“It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.” —Robert Louis Stevenson
I was astounded at the number of hiking trails available in this location! The Upper Peninsula of Michigan is a playground for the hikers! The hikes seem to be present everywhere you go! The views on the hikes are usually of the most scenic vistas or lakes! Grab a good pair of shoes and pack your adventuresome-ness and GO! EXPLORE! HAVE AN ADVENTURE IN THE U.P. hiking these amazing trails!
“Nature is loved by what is best in us.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
We love an adventure! We love exploring! The wilderness calls our name frequently to come explore! We truly enjoy and soak up as much of God’s beauty as possible. Nature has a way of seeping into the cracks surrounding the stresses of our lives to create a soothing buffer between the stress and our need for peace! Achieving that balance keeps us centered and focused on the end goals, not the obstacles that lie in wait to derail your life journeys!
Embrace each moment that presents itself to you to truly enjoy this summer! Celebrate each moment of peace and tranquility!
Discover what tranquility and peace mean to you. Research a favorite location and go! Nature is calling, will you hear it?
Did you notice some affiliate links along the way?? If you plan to buy any of the products we mentioned, please consider clicking through our link on this page. It won’t cost you a dime, and it will help our website continue running and offering you further inspirational travel adventures!
Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
About Me
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com
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Barbara Robinson
TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!
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Tammy Horvath
Stars and S’mores, who doesn’t want more of those? Camping at Michigan Upper Peninsula near Munising sounds like a fantastic place to refresh your spirit. I love when we can take a break from electronics and just be with our family and our wonderful God. He made so many beautiful places that pass us by because our heads are buried in work or our phones. Thanks for always inspiring me with unique places to visit. I love your traveling lifestyle with your family. God bless.
I look forward to reading your future posts.
Barbara Robinson
Thanks Tammy! You also inspire! Blessings!
This camping area near Munising looks like a wonderful spot! The upper peninsula area of Michigan looks simply beautiful.
Barbara Robinson
It really is a great gem!
The upper peninsula looks so beautiful! What a great trip. And I’d love to try hammock camping sometime!
Barbara Robinson
Hammock camping is surprisingly comfortable!
Kristen Allred
I love getting out on the water on a beautiful lake and the upper peninsula of Michigan looks gorgeous. We go out on the water on paddleboards, but kayaks look like a good choice if you like to fish as your family does.
Camping can be so relaxing! And camping in Michigan’s upper peninsula looks absolutely beautiful!
Wilderness camping in Michigan’s upper peninsula looks amazing. It’s so beautiful there. I’d love to try sleeping in a hammock!
Barbara Robinson
I was initially reluctant, but really do enjoy it now!
Stacey Billingsley
Camping in the upper peninsula of Michigan looks so peaceful! I’d really like to camp there. I haven’t been to Michigan yet, but I know I’d love it.
I have never seen or heard of these hammock tents? So they sleep one person in a hammock style setup?
Very interesting!
Looks like there are so many beautiful places to go camping in the upper peninsula Michigan area.
Barbara Robinson
This concept was new to me too! I wouldn’t go back to a tent now!
Tammi Kaeberlein
My dad grew up in this area! We’ll have to return for a hike and some camping with the kids I think. I so hear you on the hammock. I was an unwilling convert but will never go back to tents now : )
Barbara Robinson
RIGHT ON! That’s so cool that you have family from there! HAMMOCK ON!
Nature is so good for the soul. And camping near Munising on Michigan’s upper peninsula would be heavenly…so beautiful!
Gosh! those hiking trails look right up my ally! How beautiful!
I haven’t been near Munising yet, but we have gone to Upper Michigan before. The time we go up I am excited to go when it’s warmer so we can go camping. Beautiful area!!!
Lisa Manderino
Camping in the Upper Pennisula looks like fun! Being in nature is so fun!
The hiking trails around the Michigan Upper Penninsula area look so beautiful. I’d love to explore that area.
Barbara Robinson
It IS worth the travel there!
Lisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
Upper Peninsula Michigan camping sounds near the Munising area sounds fantastic! Lisa has been to Newberry and wants to revisit the area. Thank you for sharing.
Hammock camping looks like fun! The camping near Munising in the upper peninsula Michigan looks like a great place to give it a try.
Michigan is always so beautiful. I’d love to try camping near Munising and wake up in a hammock!
Kristen Allred
I love that there are lots of hiking trails in the Upper Peninsula Michigan area. That would be my favorite thing to do there along with kayaking.