Memorable Myrtle Beach South Carolina

Memorable Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina holds so many treasured memories for our family from over the years! I’m not sure really how we landed there originally, but our little family fell in love with this location many years ago! The call of the Atlantic Ocean combined with the restaurants and classic car show each year had us returning! Going there will always be special to our family!

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“It is not what you do for your children, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.”

—Ann Landers
Myrtle Beach, SC – 2009, 11 years ago – #18

From a very early age we would road trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina over our boys spring break from school. As the boys grew, each year it became more and more of a challenge to schedule this event because of school related challenges, sports schedules, and coordinating an older child’s schedule with a younger child’s schedule. Typically, we would take them out of school for a longer vacation and this became more and more difficult as they grew.

Looking back now, I do not regret one minute of pushing the limits with the schools and sports to carve out this very special time for our family to share together. We made so many special memories that will forever be tucked away in all of our hearts!

Myrtle Beach, SC – 2009, 11 years ago

Our boys have grown into young men now. We are transitioning to our almost empty nest as our youngest is a senior in highschool and our oldest is a junior in college. Time just flew right by us. We were tough parents, but fervent in our daily love and prayers over our boys.

My husband would patiently teach them all the “man stuff” while I tried to soften the edges with continual obvious life lessons. I also incorporated lessons of chivalry and gentlemanly behaviors that we expected daily from them. Their future wives will thank me one day! I can remember several times standing in front of a car door patiently waiting until one of the boys would notice that I was not getting in the car as they had…one would get back out of the car to open my door for me, only then I would proceed to get in the car. Same for doors into restaurants, shops, or church, etc. They were never allowed to begin eating a meal until the blessing had been said, all were seated, and the eldest female at the table had taken the first bite. Respect towards the hands that prepared the meal was a foremost lesson!

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

My husband taught them about fixing vehicles, changing tires and brakes, and wiper blades. How to hunt, fish, and survival skills in the wilderness. He taught them a work ethic. He led by example with how to treat a lady by being a great example to them with how he loves and respects me daily. He taught them how to pray, and how to be humble before the Lord through his own daily actions. He played with them, probably the biggest kid of all in the group.

Myrtle Beach, SC – 2009, 11 years ago – #24

Vacations were not just about being on vacation! It was an opportunity to learn new things, do things that you don’t always get an opportunity to experience. Explore the ocean and local fare of cuisine. Expand ourselves in new and different ways. Observe a slice of how others view their “normal” compared to ours. Trying new sports or activities that are only offered in this ocean setting, and ultimately gaining a confidence in the world around us!

Myrtle Beach, South South Carolina gave a lot to us on each visit and we fell in love in return! I watched my boys train for their sports daily on these trips as they would sprint the 2 miles from pier to pier on early morning runs when we would travel during one of their sports seasons. I remember a year when one of the boys had to send a selfie of himself after he ran each day to a coach.


So many great things to remember: The shark tooth hunting on long walks with their Dad. Drinking coffee in the morning tranquility on the balcony with my youngest hanging out with me, or sunset walks on the ocean beach as the rising tide would creep up on shore! The sea shells! Oh the sea shells are amazing here!

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina – 2009, 11 years ago – #5

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina provided us with the opportunity to view the wonders of ocean living through the world seen viewed through young impressionable eyes! This coastal family get-a-way location is such a unique and wonderful place for young families! Ocean Blvd. offers a boardwalk ocean side for families to wander and explore shops, restaurants, amusement rides, etc. Afternoon beachside food trucks or ice cream vendors can also be found easily. Pier restaurants can be enjoyed over the water for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Watching the boys try shark bites or local catch choices was always a joy to this mother’s heart!

We have so many wonderful memories here with our boys at “our spot!” These great memories will alway be treasurers when we visit Myrtle Beach, South Carolina in the future. This spot will forever be special to us and hopefully to our boys as they grow into their own someday!

My wish is that they will find “their spot” for their own families someday and continue the tradition of family bonding that seems to cement a family together from a shared experience like a vacation tradition.

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina – 2019

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Do you have a vacation tradition? Where is a spot that you seem to return to over and over again out of a sense of comfort, familiarity, and fond memories?

Leave me a reply below to let me know where your vacation tradition is located or what it might be! If you don’t have one that is ok…where would you like it to become? What is your travel BUCKET LIST?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Inspirationally Yours,



About Me

A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.


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