M-119 North Tunnel of Trees Michigan

M-119 Tunnel of Trees

The Tunnel of Trees, a hidden gem along the cliffs of Lake Michigan north of Harbor Springs, Michigan on the historic M-119, offers twenty miles of scenic tree canopies, charming small towns, and quaint restaurants all the way to Cross Village.

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“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.”

~Alice Walker

The Northwest Lower Peninsula of Michigan offers a vast array of beauty. The shores of Lake Michigan offer incomparable views along it’s mighty wild, rugged shorelines. The Tunnel of Trees, a hidden gem along the cliffs of Lake Michigan north of Harbor Springs, Michigan on the historic M-119, offers twenty miles of scenic tree canopies, charming small towns, and quaint restaurants all the way to Cross Village. It is not on my list of 5 WAYS TO ENJOY SUMMER, but it sure could be, if you are up for a beautiful scenic drive!

A playground for the financially elite, second home “up north” escape crowd, Northwest Lower Michigan has historically provided the beautiful backdrop for many to have an “up north” experience amongst this vast, rugged beauty where the access has been frozen in time with preservation of M-119 as a narrow low speed limit road along this twenty mile route.

No matter the season, the drive and the view offer an exceptional experience to leave you breath-taken and in awe from those views and beauty! Wide open spaces and the crystal clear water of lake Michigan draw many to this area as a travel destination.

This narrow scenic heritage route lacks a centerline and follows an ancient Native American trail along a northern bluff of Lake Michigan looking out towards Beaver Island. Spectacular fall foliage can be witnessed on this amazing route. Don’t drive here if you are in a hurry as the hairpin curves and lack of any kind of shoulder can be disconcerting! Bring your bike and enjoy the most fabulous biking route you will have ever experienced!

The homes along this drive are so interesting to view. From historic, rustic cabins to the amazing architecture of new construction. All the scenery will not disappoint! Time your drive to capture a SUNRISE or SUNSET if you can! It is spectacular!

Many homes are generational. They are passed down from generation to generation as a “cottage up north” to escape the mundane city life. Many families will pack up their city home and move “up north” for the summer away from the hectic school schedule once school lets out for the summer.

The tranquility of this location provides the scene for introspection or AN INNER STILLNESS QUEST if one is looking for solitude! Many search for a place “up north” to fill that ever elusive need for what they think is missing in their lives.

Many times the item that they think they are missing is simply tranquility and a closeness to God in their hearts that can be found through seeking out a TRAVEL DESTINATION TRANQUILITY. I hope you find what you are looking for and if it is rugged beauty, vast space, and a step back in time…this is your place!

I have fond memories of motorcycle riding with my husband and other couples along this route. It is a very beautiful ride along the shoreline and through the hardwood trees observing amazing Lake Michigan homes set in unforgettable scenery!

Gorgeous views present themselves at different points along the drive. Wildlife is present, so be aware! If this is too tame for you, Perhaps you need to consult a SUMMER TRAVEL BUCKET LIST to find the travel idea that better suits you.

The intrigue of this area has been highlighted since 1968 due to an unresolved murder mystery. The Robison family murders, often referred to as the GOOD HART MURDERS, remains unsolved. Speculation of many theories followed and many questions remained unanswered. The GOOD HART MURDERS PODCAST shares this tragic tale. It is unbelievable that this really happened here in this amazing location! Each time I drive this road, I can’t help but think of this story, especially when I drive by the signs.

Northwest lower peninsula Michigan’s beauty has been a draw for vacationers for hundreds of years. Many tourists brought elements from the city with them when they would move into this rural area for the gorgeous summers in their second homes. Good and bad elements from the city have been introduced to this vast, rugged, escape location.

These quiet, quaint little communities explode in population density during these summer months. Local residents have endured this population intrusion historically. Commerce has evolved to become dependent on the summer residents. Tourism is a mainstay now in this locale. It is refreshing however to see this narrow route preserved as a historic scenic route without a centerline and shoulders. It is a super cool drive!

Do you have any historic scenic drives near you that you could re-explore and share? Tell me about it with a reply/comment below!

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Inspirationally Yours,


BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/

About Me

A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.

WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com



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