FEAR…how many of us have found ourselves in a constant state of anxiety and fear lately. Are you living in fear over humanity? Do you need to self examine?

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If you are afraid to live your life because you might die then you have already died.


Contemplation – PIN #14

FEAR…how many of us have found ourselves in a constant state of anxiety and fear lately. The media, our government leaders, and society in general have whipped up a frenzy of fear to rule our daily lives. Is this fear based approach to daily living actually grounded in necessity?

The reality of our culture today is difficult to navigate. The data depending on who releases it (arguably not always dependable information) can be very daunting. An overwhelming sense of frustration, concern, and hopelessness can be felt.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”


In our shock and awe media continually looking to trigger ratings, self-notoriety, and usually filled with blame-game tactics verses just reporting the facts unbiasedly and unemotionally (where are the Walter Cronkites & Dan Rathers of today?) It is easy to fall into the abysmal pit of FEAR AND ANXIETY that disallows us to contemplate issues at hand with a levelness of good judgment.

As a society in this horribly oppressive culture that is dominating every facet of our existence, we must work on not allowing our daily lives to be ruled by this frenzy of fear.

PIN IT #26

“The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but, it is fear.”


Please know I am NOT suggesting that the issues of today do not garner merit requiring ALL OF US to be cautious or incredibly careful to protect ourselves and the vulnerable around us…I simply remind everyone that allowing fear to rule our humanity is NOT AN OPTION!

If a co-worker or roommate has a drippy nose and sneezes frequently because like clockwork…the seasons have changed and the thermostat dial has been triggered to circulate air that is now passing dryer air through the filters and ductwork triggering seasonal allergies, perhaps an all out attack on that person as a threat to your environment is a bit over-the-top of a reaction. Would you have reacted like this last year at this time? Does this mean that you turn on them as a human being?

GOLDENROD seasonal allergy over fear
Golden Rod-seasonal allergy

“Fear is the path to the Dark Side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”


Living in fear over humanity?

This type of reaction to those around us that we choose to co-exist with on a daily basis is a reflection of “LIVING IN FEAR.” Our normal level headed ability to make reasonable determinations, escapes us completely, and we are left with the instinct of FIGHT OR FLIGHT. We act out of character and typically turn to others around us for justification of our irrational behavior. When two or three agree with us in this irrational reasoning, stimulation of a mob mentality effect occurs. The frenzy grows and really bad decisions that were irrationally born become a navigational course that usually leads to the ship sinking terribly in deep water where all are lost.

reflection tree over fear
Mob mentality is twisted, deadly, and reflects dark depths

“Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.”


Deep scarring can occur to the victim in this scenario. It does not end well for either party. This end result must be avoided at all costs! Who remembers the boar hunt in Lord of the Flies? The boar hunt provides stark reminders of the power of the human instinct toward savagery in a mob atmosphere.

When that post nasal drip results in a NEGATIVE COVID TEST and anxiety and fear diminish for the accuser. A return to sanity occurs by that oppressor and overwhelming shame and guilt for that accusing behavior follow suit. Unfortunately, the damage to the relationship is already done and forgiveness must be given by the oppressed, but humanity does learn lessons from bad behavior from others and damage to a trusted relationship cuts deeply and can linger! Avoid this scenario…

Living in fear over humanity?

CHOOSE HUMANITY FIRST! Try random acts of positive kindness instead of finger pointing and condemnation. Support each other through these moments of health uncertainty by following established health department guidelines. Emotional support is necessary.

SHARE KINDNESS! In your daily walk of life, how about opening yourselves to allowing someone to go down the grocery aisle first, instead of displaying impatience that the other person is taking too long to locate their favorite brand of taco sauce (that unfortunately the store is currently out of stock in on the shelf.) Remember wearing a mask in public doesn’t excuse bad behavior and erase the need to be polite to others just because we are frustrated!

“An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up.” ~Proverbs 12:25

LISTEN to others when they say “excuse me” after a sneeze. Respond with, “God bless you!” instead of a suggestion to them to run to the nearest drive through testing site to make sure they didn’t just infect you with a virus!

water lily living in fear
Open your heart like this water lily opens to the sunshine

“Without faith, we are full of fear. Fear cripples the body and mind, paralyzing us, whereas faith opens our hearts and leads us to love.”

– Amma (Mata Amritanandamayi)

FEAR. One of the enemy’s most popular weapons that he uses against us. Worry, anxiety, fear…can overwhelm us with a thick shadow of darkness, controlling our every move and decision.

GOD’S WORD says, “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” ~Isaiah 41-10

GET A GRIP on the fear and anxiety that may be controlling you and your decisions or treatment of others. Open your mind to the possibility that your rational examination of “normal” may have become shifted and a new perspective quite possibly needs to be considered to move forward in positivity. Allow the people that exist around you in your daily life to determine the course that they need to take related to their own health choices. If you trusted them prior to a pandemic, why don’t you trust them now? Stay in your own lane concerned about you and your families health choices, not the person to the right or left of you.

LOVE your neighbor. (If necessary, from more than six feet away.)

“The life you have left is a gift. Cherish it. Enjoy it now, to the fullest. Do what matters, now.”


DAILY, we each get to choose how we will proceed that day. Choose wisely. Incorporate God into that daily choice to help chart your path.

 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” ~Phillipians 4:6-7

I couldn’t help but think about the people that I know that have been directly affected in their daily lives by this pandemic. Lives have been lost, generational businesses closed, financial strife, sickness present, relationships destroyed due to paranoia. It is very saddening.

This unique circumstance also provides us as a culture the opportunity to turn it around to God’s glory. We can choose to respond in a way to make a difference. What would God think about His children witnessing wrongs being purported against His children with His children not responding to it? How as a culture in your community can you turn negativity around to something positive today? Definitely something to consider when you view it through God’s eyes!


“One great enemy we must all endeavor to fear not conquering is fear. Fear can cripple purpose and purposeful life. Fear asks question we must fear. Fear makes vision a nightmare. One must always cross the barrier of fear to get to the great city of true purposefulness. A great number of us who are unable to live to accomplish the true reason for our existence on earth are unable to cross the barrier of fear in the first place.”

~Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Leave me a reply below with experiences you have witnessed and how you chose to respond. Have you experienced a mob mentality towards yourself or a loved one? I challenge you to perform a random act of kindness and report it below! REPLY BELOW!


“Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.”


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Inspirationally Yours,




A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.


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  • Alyssa

    Well said! I’m not going to lie I’m a germaphobe but I don’t let that stop me because at the end of the day, all we can do is to stay healthy and take care of ourselves. I usually suffer from sinus and seasonal allergies and when things first started to open up down here in Florida allergy season was my first question to my husband. He felt slightly under the weather one day and a coworker told the GM and it made him look bad (it was allergies). I knew what to do to reduce the allergic reaction but I find it rude that any little bit of under the weather is now thought to be connected to covid. I’m so tired of the masks and as much as I believe there is a virus out there, I do believe the media has overly hyped this. There is no doubt that it’s contagious and can be deadly but that just means if you have an underlying condition and may be susceptible to take extra caution. The rules they have are nuts, a mask when you go to a restaurant but then when seated you can take it off? No one does these precautions with the flu and that kills a lot of people per year. I’m following the rules like most people but I’m so fed up.

      • Cas

        We are all living in a new normal that we need to adjust and adapt to. Thankfully I don’t feel fearful for myself or my family but I am thankful that schools are being more strict when it comes to parents sending sick kids to school. I am choosing to focus on the positives in life.

  • Holly

    Great read! This was very thought provoking, because I do feel that I have been living the last 7 months with extreme caution. Having a chronic illness and autoimmune diseases it is fearful. But I have always believed that when it’s our time to go…Thank you for sharing your inspiring thoughts!!

  • Kristin

    I love that Mark Twain quote–had never heard that one before. I think most of us default to anxiety these days, and we constantly have to fight against it. The cares of this world press against us all the time.

  • Tiffany

    Such truthful words! I always feel that knowledge is power and knowing what we can and cannot control helps eliminate some of these fears. Trying to keep myself and others safe doesn’t mean I need to be afraid – just mindful.

  • Lisa Manderino

    Amen, we need to give each other the benefit of the doubt plus if someone is sick we should care for the sick not isolate them .

  • Sabrina DeWalt

    I wouldn’t say that we live in fear (although there was a very scary week at the beginning of this Covid mess) but instead choose to live cautiously. My issue is with people who do not choose to respect that. Example: we were in a friend’s driveway working on a project. A stranger walking by came into the driveway (no mask) walking right up to us, making us quite uncomfortable. My husband nicely asked the man to back up to a 6-foot distance. The man irritatedly said “God bless America” but did not back up. When Chris asked him to give us more space a second time, he became angry. Luckily, he said he didn’t want to talk to us anyway and left. We respect other people’s right to not wear a mask or believe that the pandemic is real, but would really appreciate others respecting our right to want to be socially distant.

    • Barbara Robinson

      The number 1 rule in this COVID mess is to respect each individuals personal wishes for distancing, mask wearing, etc. The first thing one must ask another on approach is what they are most comfortable with when you are near…

  • Nikki

    Thank you Barb! This was such a great read, and very much needed. I have 2 verse taped to the drawer of my desk in my classroom. I brought both of them with me off of my desk from downstate. I can’t even tell you how long these 2 verse have been taped to a desk of mine, but I know this year they seem to be more fitting then ever.
    Cast all your anxieties onto him because he cares for you 1st Peter 5:7
    Therefor do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

    • Suz

      Preach it! I’m sick to death of the media hype, 24/7 about Covid. It’s a terrible thing, but the fear that the media has instilled in the general public is pervasive, and much worse. Even people I consider intelligent have been affected.
      I fear the mob mentality and aggressive behavior far more than I do a virus.

  • Bonnie

    A very informative blog post and I couldn’t agree more when you write “DAILY, we each get to choose how we will proceed that day.”

    • Melissa

      This has been such a trying season for all of us! As a person with underlying health issues, it’s been very disheartening to continually be told I’m living in fear because I’m choosing to be cautious. I don’t believe it’s fear. I believe it’s wisdom. Don’t get me wrong…I completely understand the point you are making here. We all need to treat each other with respect even if we don’t agree on how things should be handled.

      • Barbara Robinson

        A healthy amount of fear and being wisely cautious in your situation is COMPLETELY UNDERSTANDABLE!!!! Yes, you must be very wise! Yes, you are right it is more about how we are choosing to treat each other and putting kindness towards others first OVER FEAR! Thank you for not being offended and hearing what I was trying to say! I appreciate the difficult spot that ALL VIRUSES have in your world. Stay strong!

  • Amanda

    I can’t tell you how much I LOVE this post! Faith over fear! Yes! And oh, I love some of the quotes you used. That Mark Twain cracked me up!

  • April

    It’s so true! People who are too scared to do some kindness it’s like dead long time ago. Some others are too scared to helped others. They are cowards instead of being brave and extend their kindness to others especially children.

  • Chelsea

    You’re so right. There’s a lot of anxiety that comes from the fear we feel right now. I try to limit news, social media, and my exposure to individuals or situations that are politically charged. I remind myself that some things are out of my control.

  • Megan

    I agree with you so much on media. It is their role to induce strong feelings, leading you to watch and increase their viewership and ratings. I have never been so glad not to have cable/TV service! These days, it’s so hard to know what’s true anymore.

  • Beth Shields

    Gorgeous pictures – my favorite is the first one. But you also reference one of my favorite verses from Isaiah. In fact, I have it on a post-it note and in my car with me. Its just a great reminder and I reread it all the time. Fear robs us of the joy God intended for us. Thanks for the read – very important.

  • Adrienne

    Love this! We kept up all our travel plans this summer and though many looked down at us for being “irresponsible” here we are, still healthy. I am so over it and think if we are going to get it, we are going to get it. There is no doubt in my mind this is all polically fueled and that the effects of the fear mongering and isolation are far worse than the virus itself.

  • Ayesha Siddiqui

    I haven’t experienced any crazy circumstances related to the current state of fear – and I live in one of the original hot spots of this pandemic. I like how you mentioned the importance of kindness, it really does go a long way.

  • Yvette

    So many great points and thoughts! I especially loved “Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity toward those who are not regarded as members of the herd.”


  • Karie

    Yes! Everyone needs to read this. It’s sad that people are living in fear and we forget we are humans. My friend posted “Don’t you just love playing the game…allergies, head cold, or covid?” We aren’t all a walking plague. Allergies are so rampant in our area.

  • Kendra

    This is such a great post! Fear definitely has an important role in our lives, but it shouldn’t take the place of humanity. I love this exerpt from the book Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. This is part of her open letter to fear (speaking TO fear): “You’re allowed to have a seat, and you’re allowed to have a voice, but you are not allowed to have a vote. You’re not allowed to touch the road maps; you’re not allowed to suggest detours; you’re not allowed to fiddle with the temperature. Dude, you’re not even allowed to touch the radio. But above all else, my dear old familiar friend, you are absolutely forbidden to drive.”

  • melissa

    I love your line “Remember wearing a mask in public doesn’t excuse bad behavior and erase the need to be polite to others just because we are frustrated!” I feel like when the pandemic first started, there was more kindness amongst strangers, but now that seems to be fading. This is a great reminder that we need to continue to be kind and polite. Thank you.

  • Cindy Moore

    This year has definitely brought out the worst in some people and yet the best in others. Fear is a horrible things to live with. I’ve seen it divide friends and families this year and like you said, people over react to situations that they would not have noticed last year. I see this year as a time to focus on ourselves and to go deep within to understand why we react the way we do and understand the role fear plays. It’s been a great year of growth for me. I hope it has for others too.

  • Pam

    Very thought-provoking. I think it’s important for each person to do what they feel is right for themselves and their families, but not to judge others if their actions are different.

  • Vessy Smith

    I couldn’t agree more. In today’s world fear seems to drive a lot of things. Political ads use fear tactics, the news are filled with articles that instill fear, but your are absolutely right! We have to choose how we get through each day…wrapped in that fear, or open to bring positivity to those around us. Loved reading your insights! Thanks for sharing!

  • Marianne

    A wonderful read that certainly hits close to home. Fear is defintiely more a part of my life now, than it was a year ago. Working frontlines, not wanting to get my family exposed, is something that weighs heavily on me. I do my part to stay safe, have a pretty strict media-ban, and try to think positively as ways to prevent the fear from becoming too dominant a presence in my life.

  • Sandra Barrett

    It is a sad time when we have to all live in fear. Hopefully the light at the end of the tunnel will not be an oncoming train.

  • Elaina

    I think this year has tried to drive others agenda by fear. I hope we can all learn to be a bit more compassionate and understanding to each other as we move forward. I try as much as I can to limit my news intake, it defintely raises the anxiety in me.

  • Tammy Horvath

    I agree that mob mentality can definitely lead us down the wrong path. Just because several people agree with our decision does not make it the wisest decision. We must first pray and ask God what the correct decision is according to His will for us.

  • Terra Booth

    This hits very close to home! Even now with vaccination rates rising I find that I can let the news of the variants can be overwhelming. It’s also very hard to now change the behavior that we established during the pandemic and let our guard down, go more places and start wearing our masks less. But I agree that it’s a time to return to kindness and quit letting the fear get the better of us.

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