Kauai, Hawaii JEEP Adventure


Planning a Hawaiian adventure of exploration? Your vehicle rental decision while on-island will impact your overall experience. It is essential on Kauai, Hawaii to rent a 4 wheel drive with high ground clearance if you are planning to traverse dirt, rutted cane roads or cross shallow rivers to get to those unmissable breathtaking locations! Rent a Jeep to get around and have a KAUAI, HAWAII JEEP ADVENTURE!


Kauai, Hawaii Jeep Adventure
Jeeping at Polihale State Park, Kauai, Hawaii

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Kauai, HI Jeep Rental


We booked our jeep rental six months prior to our trip to secure the exact jeep that we were looking for. At that time, it was slim pickings for a bargain price for the available stock. I secured a reservation at a premium price (gasp), but they did not want any money down? This made me nervous. I began a campaign of emails to try to secure the situation.

Ultimately, about one month prior to travel the rental company emailed me with a better rental rate if I switched my reservation to this jeep. I had initially secured a reservation for my 21 year old to also be a listed driver on the rental agreement. Ultimately, they really came through for us (less the 21 year old driver part for $1000 less!) I had insisted that I wanted a 4 door, T-top, 4 wheel drive. Not only did we receive the jeep we requested, but at a greater savings without my son listed. We had the option to a’ la carte add him on as an additional driver, but chose not to at that point. 

The rental company was AMAZING! We were super happy. Rentals sometimes work on a first come first serve for what’s available in the lot at the time you check in. They know approximately how many reservations they have to accommodate, and they do their best to match up what you’ve asked for with what they actually have available, but being flexible is important.

We zipped right through the landing process at the airport thanks to the wristband program to avoid all the lines dealing with the COVID protocol requirements. Read my post about HAWAII TRAVEL PROTOCOL for that insight! This landed us at baggage claim directly and zip, zip, zip to the shuttle that took us to the car rental! First come, first serve! SUCCESS!!!








You have many rental options while on the island! Just look at all of the low profile, red convertibles near Princeville, HI. What one must consider while on island is all of the dirt roads with huge pot holes. This is really not ideal for a sportscar! If one is planning to stay on the main road that leads to the North or the West then that is probably fine. HOWEVER…

If you are like us and like to explore, well, I suggest that you divide the island up into sections of North, East, South, and West and get your guide book out with your gassed up jeep and buckle up for an exploration!

So much to see and explore that is off the main road!



North of Princeville is the Hanalei Bay area! A series of one lane bridges will eventually land you up at Ke’ e Beach in Ha’ena Beach State Park. Unfortunately, the regulations to access this area have altered since our last trip here. One must now make a reservation with limited access available to hike the Kalalau Trail to our favorite waterfall. Read about that adventure in HAWAII WATERFALL MYSTIQUE.

We were surprised to find this out when we arrived here. We accessed the website to try to make a reservation only to find that most book reservations at least 30 days in advance for a reservation to hike and drive within this park to reach the Kalalau Trail at Ke’e Beach through Ha’ena Beach State Park land. There are limited slots to sign up for spots, and it is now also expensive to book your reservation. What a shame! The natural hiking trail is a treasure that we really enjoyed in the past as a family outing. We’ve hiked this trail three times prior. It is magnificent. Unfortunately, we probably won’t do this route again. This makes me very sad.

Heading back down Hwy 560 there are dirt roads that lead in-island. Turn in-land by the Hanalei Bridge or at the double bridges! Go explore! Lots of dirt road two tracking available!

The East offers a lot of exploration in-land also. The Anahola area and interior Kapa’a and Wailua offer many opportunities to explore more remotely! The area around Nawiliwili offers more exploration too! Don’t miss the KIPU Falls area!



Drive towards the west, but turn at the tree tunnel  to head down towards Koloa and yet further to Po’ipu. There are lots of areas to explore here both to the East and West from the most Southern Point. Below is the Spouting Horn, a small lava shelf where water from the waves is thrust up through an opening, causing water and air to squirt out through a blowhole.

This particular blowhole is special as it has an additional hole that spouts air only causing a load moaning or gasping sound. A legend surrounds this moaning as a giant female lizard named Mo’o that remains trapped in pain and hunger in the lava tube after being lured there by the great Liko, a fisherman, who defeated the once lizard like guardian of the South shore.

Kauai, Hawaii Jeep Adventure Spouting Horn


Just around the corner from Gillin’s Beach lies the Lithified Cliff’s that are so unique to Kauai. A gate closed the dirt road that leads to these cliffs that do remain reachable from a footpath and walk around the shoreline. It is such a ruggedly beautiful area!

We have driven out to the Lithified Cliff several times on prior trips and were saddened that this too has been closed down to the public by Kauai. It is such a shame that so many amazingly beautiful unique features of Kauai are being closed off to tourists. Another discouragement to us that again gives us much to consider when contemplating returning here on a future trip. Kauai Tourism Bureau must be trying to discourage tourism dollars to help their economy? Makes no sense…these decisions will not encourage return tourism.




Our favorite beaches to the west are by far Polihale State Park, Barking Sands, and Kekaha Beach Park. Polihale State Park is definitely way easier to reach in a JEEP than a low profile sportscar that WILL bottom out! You can drive on the sand in a JEEP…not in a sportscar! The dirt road to Barking Sands was gated off and we could not reach this beach this trip by road. It would have required a very long beach front walk down the ocean edge or risking getting stuck in the sand with the JEEP, if we were really brave. Towing fees are steep in Kauai!

Polihale is where the Na Pali coastline gives way to 17 miles of uninterrupted sand beach. As Kauai is the oldest of the Hawaiian islands it also has the most sandy beaches!

This is one of our most favorite spots on the earth!

Kekaha Beach Park was a bust for us too this trip!

Kauai, HI JEEP ADVENTURE Kekaha Beach Park

Storms that moved through the area caused an irrigation ditch filled with Tilapia to clear out into the ocean area in front of this beach park. This in turn called hungry, feeding shark to the shoreline to feed on the Tilapia as explained to us by the local life guard when we showed up here to Boogie Board.

This is one of our favorite Boogie Boarding Beaches of all time! We have spent previous trips coming here almost everyday to Boogie Board and lounge in the sand soaking up the rays!

No worries! We moved on and it helped us to find a new favorite Boogie Boarding beach that was actually closer to our accommodations. Kealia Beach was wonderful as a substitute for Kekaha.



Drive inland in search of water falls… While we were there the water was really high and we experienced Flash flood warnings from recent storms. BE CAUTIOUS! It can get really dangerous really quickly. USE CAUTION at all times. We have crossed here before on previous trips. It was NOT crossable this trip!

Kauai, HI Jeep Adventure

We enjoyed just driving around on back roads in-land to see where they would go. If it looked rugged, we definitely took the lesser traveled road to see where it went! Such fun exploring! Especially deep interior in the East and within the Kokee State Park! GO EXPLORE! 




So we were completely covered in red dirt! Stained clothing, dirty, caked mud on the JEEP that would dry when we left the wet areas of the island and traveled to the desert part of the island. Where else can you JEEP in the wettest place on the earth and the driest place on the earth all on one Hawaiian Island?

Hit a car wash before returning your rental! They will charge you! Yes, you may have to drive through a couple of times, but it is a courtesy to return it with “normal” amounts of red dirt. Shake out the floor mats too! BE COURTEOUS to those car rental employees that have to flip these rentals quickly!


This is off Mile # 18 of Koke’e Road at the Kalalau Lookout…SERIOUSLY AMAZING VIEW! Worth the JEEP DRIVE!

One day we explored off Koke’e Road… Travel to telephone pole #320. Turn here on Waineke Road. What a great adventure this will be for you! This was our first discovery of this area. Camping is available at Sugi Grove Campground here and intermittently there will be picnic areas at various points, some with lookouts! Several trailheads for hiking are also discovered along the way! A JEEP or 4-wheel drive vehicle is imperative here! When you get to the very end of the road this is what you will see! The Mohihi-Wai’alae Trail head starts here and 8/10th of a mile back the Kohua Ridge Trailhead is present. Both stunning hikes, I’m sure!

Kauai,  Hawaii Jeep Adventure


Where is your favorite place to view a SUNRISE or a SUNSET? The beach? The mountains? Your back deck? A favorite park or scenic view? I’d really like to know!




Did we find a closeness to God through JEEPING? Sure we did! We find inspiration through all things travel. How can you not? We explore, have adventures, seek new places to discover all while being inspired by nature, God’s creation!  Check out theses random signs of God’s wonders!

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BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/

About Me

A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her college athlete football sons and husband who share her love of travel adventure.

WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com

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Kauai, Hawaii Jeep Adventure


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