Does life’s merry-go-round have you whirling through your days on an inner stillness quest? It is easy to be on a continual whirl and not slow down long enough to connect to what is truly important.

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This week our travel destination is to travel within ourselves for a self check-up!

Does life’s merry-go-round have you whirling through your days? It is easy to be on a continual whirl and not slow down long enough to connect to what is truly important.

When we sit still and allow ourselves to settle the whirl of life keeping us in a constant distracted state, it is only then that we can truly center ourselves and connect with our inner stillness. Calm is necessary to deeply contemplate inner peace.

How can you focus to work through a troubling problem or hear God speak to your heart with that answer you’ve been seeking when you haven’t achieved calm?

Where is your calm place? Do you have a favorite chair in a favorite room next to a fireplace? Is it in a hammock gazing up at a summertime night sky awaiting a shooting star to streak across the sparkling backdrop of twinkling constellations? How about on your deck or porch listening to the soft sound of crickets and birds chirping in the distant quiet? Perhaps it is sitting on a beach lulled by the ever lapping waves to shore as a dampness of humidity and breeze caress your face? Or enjoying a SUNRISE & SUNSET?

Wherever “your place” may be, I’m glad that you have found it! That is the first step to achieving the ability to hear and absorb deep inner peace.

Just like any friendship you cultivate with a new acquaintance, or a long lost solid friendship that is reunited, a time investment is required. Our relationships grow through the time spent in one another’s company. Through good times and bad we invest in the people around us and this solid, steadily growing foundation blossoms into a bond that sustains us when we need to lean on one another for support.

Our walk with God is very similar, this relationship grows with the more time spent with Him. He already knows everything about you. He made you. He knows the paths that you will follow in life. So, who better to talk to for guidance and help with tough decisions. He speaks to us. It is our job to “Be still and know that I AM GOD” (Psalm 46:10 states.) While this interpretation instructs us to be silent and wait on the Lord, it should further be understood as a command to wake up, stop striving (doing it without God), and acknowledge God for who He is, allowing Him to do what only He can do.

This past week I found myself “whirling.” All the smallest and biggest details of life can stack up and weigh us down under a pile of distress and distraction. They are just that… a pile.

I was reminded that, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~Philippians 4:13

The trick here though is to understand that “the pile crushing us” is not why God placed us here on this earth. Those are merely distractions. Those things won’t matter in a year from now or ten years from now, but our inner peace, our walk with God, our inner stillness that makes us into who we are each day WILL matter.


Provide yourself with opportunities to seek your inner stillness. Commune with your inner-self for self check-ups. Leave your worries at His feet. Trust in Him to know your needs before you even are aware that they are present. Grow in your thoughts and inner search for completeness through Christ’s help. Rest secure in your calm that God is in complete control if only we are able to surrender to His lead. I know! Easy to say, yet the reality is it is a daily struggle for ALL of us to achieve. Make the time commitment. You will not be disappointed!


Look for opportunities to trust God to meet your needs. Click here for a personal story of a lost camera that led to a BIG lesson from GOD!

Are you ready to seek your inner stillness? Where is your “place” to seek calm? Leave me a comment below!

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Inspirationally Yours,



About Me

A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.


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