COVID really affected Hawaii Travel Protocol to reach Kauai. It was no joke! WOW! We had just returned from this travel experience and thought to share our experience to just get there! Kauai holds such special memories for our family. We were so excited to return to the “Garden Island” for a graduation celebration trip for our sons. The many steps and protocols to travel were a bit daunting, yet do-able. Of course while we were there it all changed again! Much to explain…keep reading! Though now, the Hawaii Travel Protocols have returned to normal. I recommend checking into these details prior to travel.
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Our family was so ready to return to our adventurous enjoyment of travel together! We had missed my younger son’s senior trip from high school due to the pandemic that cancelled travel for all people. We had pre-booked the most fabulous 8 day cruise scheduled in March 2021 with other senior graduates and their families to several amazing destinations before everything shut down. We completely understood and agreed that it was in our best interest not to travel at that time, especially on a cruise ship! SO, we cancelled our travel plans!
As enthusiastic travelers, we had been patiently waiting for safe travel to return! Now, my oldest son has also graduated from college with his Bachelor’s Degree; so, we have double the celebrating to do! The idea of doubling up on our celebrations took root! We planned this Kauai adventure for over the holiday when they both had available time to re-visit the first trip we ever took our boys on a flight! Kauai began to call our names again!
So, ten years later my husband and I hosted our boys yet again! They are both entering a time in their lives when family travel time has become more and more difficult to schedule. They are moving on to their own interests and pursuits, as they should!

Our flight plans were booked back in September of 2021. We easily received 3-4 trip alteration notifications prior to the actual flight times of slight adjustments to the flight times, etc. In October, we researched what the protocol would be for us to enter Hawaii. We discovered the Hawaii Safe Travel program and their requirements. Our family chose to get vaccinated to have the vaccination card to make travel easier. This way we could avoid the need for testing 24 hours prior to landing and mandated quarantine on Hawaiian soil.
Thank goodness all of that doesn’t matter any more. How horrible to use scare tactics to manipulate people into vaccination. Not a fan of that time in our world!
I had also read that you couldn’t access restaurants or entertainments without flashing the vaccination card at each location. So, we followed all the guidelines and jumped through all the hoops to comply with all the requirements. By the way…not one place in Hawaii asked us for proof of vaccination other than prior to boarding our flight from the continental US departure airport and obtaining the wristband. Talk about feeling segregated from those without a wristband in the airport where we landed in Hawaii! We breezed right though while many others had to wait in long lines.
Hawaii continues to have the strictest entry requirements of any state. You will need a negative pre-arrival test or proof of full vaccination to bypass the 10-day quarantine requirement. There are currently no inter-island travel restrictions. Listed below are the Hawaii Safe Travels Protocols we expected:
During COVID, to avoid the 10 day quarantine, you needed to create a safe travels account at www.travel.Hawaii.gov and upload either a valid vaccine card, or a negative COVID test taken no more than 24 hours before your last departure to the island. Per the Kauai Tourism Authority, the accommodations host needed to see a copy of either your vax card, or a negative test & the QR code from your safe travels account, before door codes would be released to occupants in a contactless check-in. You also needed to show these documents to the car rental agent to pick up your rental vehicle. (WE WERE NOT ASKED FOR THIS PROOF WHEN WE CHECKED IN AT EITHER PLACE.)
Upon arrival to Hawaii your temperature will be taken. Masks must be worn indoors at all times. (WE DID NOT EXPERIENCE THIS, EITHER)
24 hours before your flight lands in Kauai you must submit a health questionnaire and upload it to your safe travels account. You will receive an email with a QR code that will be scanned by a screener at the airport. If possible print this out and have in hand as you travel through the airport security points. (THIS WAS REQUIRED)
Well, while we were in Hawaii (after the 1st of the year) they changed the rules to indicate that the health questionnaire can now be filled out at the time that you create the Hawaii Safe Travels Account (not 24 hours prior to flight landing in Hawaii’s departure.)
Starting March 26, 2022 domestic travelers entering Hawai’i no longer need to show proof of vaccination/negative test or register with Safe Travels.
There are no longer any COVID-related requirements for arriving domestic passengers. Additionally, as of June 12, 2022, the U.S. federal government no longer requires a negative pre-departure COVID-19 test result or recovery from COVID-19 documentation.
So, here is the real deal from experience of completed Hawaii travel. We planned extra time at our airport for additional TSA clearing and check in, as instructed. This was unnecessary. It was easy-peasy. No long lines. Nothing odd or time consuming. We could have slept another hour before going to our departure airport. Two hours before flight remains acceptable.
The whole keep the mask on at all times…well our experience was that many did not. Many continually had a drink or snack in hand and just didn’t worry about it all that much. Their chins were well protected though! We began to follow suit and it was never an issue. We always adhered to the rules, but we just found ourselves eating and drinking a lot more to keep our lungs free of lint from an overused mask! Fresh breathing air was a luxury after such a long day of travel.
We had flights that resulted in lengthy layovers in Chicago O’Hare and Los Angeles prior to landing in Lihue, Kauai and again in Chicago O’Hare and San Francisco on the return flight. This was our experience at each large airport. No big deal. No scenes by disgruntled people, etc. Lots of dogs and cats though!
H -
Each flight the flight attendants were amazing and accommodating and never once scolded anyone for anything other than the normal protocols like properly stowing a bag underneath the person in front of you or staying seated when the ‘keep your seat belt on’ light was lit.
We were really diligent about using the alcohol wipe that was handed to us and disinfected all surfaces including the air nozzle above us and immediately turned that on full to create a barrier of fresh air blowing on us at all times as we were instructed that this was the best way to protect ourselves on the flight.
The BIGGEST PIECE OF ADVICE that I can offer anyone flying to Kauai is the wrist band! Research this before you depart your last flight that lands in Hawaii. You can go to your airline carrier for that flight and request pre-clearance from that QR code that Hawaii Safe Travels emails you to obtain the wrist band before your board your landing flight. I was told that I could receive it at my departure gate, but actually I did not have that offered to me. I had to ask around and finally found out that the help desk for our airline (just down the hall 50 feet) was where I went to obtain the wrist band.
Here is why it is the best thing ever….when we landed 6 hours later at 8:30pm Hawaiian time after traveling since 4am EST (check in time for departure flight from MICHIGAN). We were allowed to walk right past the REALLY LONG LINE OF TRAVELERS THAT DIDN’T GET THIS MEMO! We passed those many stations with lines at each step to prove we were “SAFE TRAVELERS TO HAWAII” and walked straight to baggage claim then to the car rental getting first pick of the “first come first serve” choices of vehicles.

It was the best step that we followed all day! I highly recommend this piece of knowledge to any other travels to avoid all those steps to prove that you are safe to enter Hawaii as you’ve already provided all the necessary documentation at five previous steps throughout the day!
We were only asked for our QR codes at the car rental. That was the last time. We respectfully wore our masks when entering a restaurant, but quickly realized that once we were seated no more masks for the duration. Many restaurants were open air, but even the closed air restaurants were not too worried about it.

Our group of four travelers now 7+ days after traveling through all those airports and everywhere in Hawaii and back remain healthy and free from any sickness. We followed the rules, ate and drank a lot, and were completely stressed out at each traveling step waiting for something dramatic to happen either by airline, TSA, or something horrible to interrupt our travels. It did not happen and all the hype was unnecessary.
I wasted precious vacation time worrying over temperature checks. Never had one. Worry over being pulled aside and quarantined for whatever false reason. Never happened. Worry over airline cancellation or delay. Never happened.
The best part of returning home was not wearing a mask any more. We live in a rural area. No one wears masks. We practice conversations at a distance, usually. It is a personal choice, not a mandate. All are respected for their choice.
Get back to travel and enjoy yourself. Do not waste time worrying about all the hype/propaganda circulating. Get on with life and travel!
Are you planning any Hawaiian travel? Have you already returned to travel elsewhere? How did it go? What changes or differences in travel protocol did you notice? Share your story! Share a photo!
I’d love to hear where you went and what your experience was like. Did you take your children? It is so wonderful to view a favorite vacation destination through their eyes! Leave a reply below!
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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
About Me
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com
PIN IT FOR LATER: Adventure Awaits- Boys 1st flight – Feb 2012!

Barbara Robinson
TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!
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June 10, 2023
January 22, 2022
Great tip about the wrist bands!
Barbara Robinson
YES! That was probably the single smartest “protocol” item we completed to arrive in Hawaii!
Glad you were able to finally have the trip you planned!
Alexis Farmer
Lots of helpful info here! I’m impressed that Hawaii is taking this pandemic seriously. Glad you guys had an awesome trip.
Wow, useful info for traveling there these days. I’d love to go to Hawaii, maybe next year! Glad you got to have your special trip there!
Barbara Robinson
We had a great time! We usually like secluded areas and not being around crowds, so the pandemic really didn’t affect us except through the “getting there and returning” part!
This is such great info about Hawaii’s travel protocol. Thanks so much for sharing all about it. I would love to visit one day!
Barbara Robinson
Glad you found this info helpful!
Great info for those traveling right now! A lot to keep up with.
Barbara Robinson
YES! It is ever changing even now!
Larissa Li
Oh boy! They are very serious about safety, which is good but man! makes traveling even more complicated.
Barbara Robinson
YES! You are correct! I’m not sure how much government involvement is truly necessary at this point. Unfortunately it is becoming our new “normal!” 🙁
So cool!
Glad to hear the experiences of someone who has recently been to Hawaii! I’ve heard it so difficult to go there.
Barbara Robinson
It was a struggle! It was very enjoyable though. Reading and preparing were more stressful than the reality of the application though! It turned out to be no big deal and just a lot of extra hassle. LOVED THE VACATION though!
My sister and husband went to Hawaii last spring. My sister shared similar experiences about the COVID rules. Glad you had a great experience and stayed healthy.
Barbara Robinson
YES! We endured all of the rules and regulations, it seemed unnecessary if one just uses common sense. If you are sick, don’t go! If you are healthy ENJOY!
Love how you break down all the Hawaii travel protocol. It would be horrible to miss something. Happy you got to take your trip.
Barbara Robinson
Thanks! It was a great trip. It was just a lot of anxiety about letting my family down if I missed something in the planning as everything was changing so rapidly. Once we were settled in and there….it was WONDERFUL!
The Lively Traveler
Great tips! I would also add to get a rental car EARLY with a reputable company. The rentals sold out quickly when we were there in June 2021 and lots of people were left without a car. Especially when booked through a 3rd party. Book direct!
Barbara Robinson
YES! I do agree! We booked our reservation in September for a December usage. I believe we were able to secure the LAST 4-door T-TOP JEEP available! Completely agree.
Sabrina DeWalt
I am so happy you were finally able to get that graduation trip in. I would love to visit Hawaii one day, but think I will wait until there aren’t so many hoops to jump through. In the meantime, we will continue to enjoy our road trips.
Barbara Robinson
YES! This has been a great time to re-discover the US from a road trip perspective! LOVE a good road trip!
Stacey Billingsley
Hawaii is definitely on my someday list! I’m glad Hawaii takes Covid seriously. I wish my state could do the same, though I’ll admit I’m a bit grouchy at the moment because my entire household is Covid positive as I type this-lol. Looking forward to healthier days and road trips for sure!
Barbara Robinson
My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this difficult sickness. Hope everyone is getting back to normal healthy soon!
Lisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
Thank you for sharing your first-hand experience of traveling to Hawaii!
Lisa Manderino
Hawaii is pretty strict but I didn’t mind too much when we went. Just glad to be in Hawaii!
Good info about the wristband, would love to visit there sometime.
Barbara Robinson
That wrist band was probably the most important step of travel to arrive easily! It was also the littlest hidden detail in the literature that I read.
That all sounds really strict! That’s great info to know for an upcoming trip to HAwaii. Luckily all the beauty and adventure of Hawaii is outdoors 🙂
Barbara Robinson
YES! It was wonderful once we stepped foot on Hawaiian ground! Just getting there was the hassle.
Great tips!
Absolutely breathtaking! Hawaii is definitely on my bucket list!
Love this! Makes me really want to go to Hawaii!
Sabrina DeWalt
Personally, I am not ready to get on a plane yet. But, then again, I am not a big fan of flying anyway. My son is planning a trip to Hawaii to elope this summer. I will forward this information to him. I know it will probably all change before then, but at least he’ll have some good pointers in the right direction.
Barbara Robinson
It really was not horrible, the unknown is more terrifying!
Lisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
Lots of helpful information! Thank you for sharing.
Whew, they sound very strict down there in Hawaii! Hope you guys had a great time though!