Forester Island Adventure features a National Wildlife Refuge located by itself out in the Pacific Ocean approximately 90 miles west of Ketchikan, ALASKA. It’s a small Island about 1 mile wide and 5 miles long.
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“Here is another Island in Alaska that you may be interested in for your Blogg,” said my uncle.
Forester Island is a National Wildlife Refuge located by itself out in the Pacific Ocean approximately 90 miles west of Ketchikan, ALASKA. It’s a small Island about 1 mile wide and 5 miles long. During WWII, the US Army had a small detachment station on its highest elevation as a lookout for any Japanese activity. The islands shoreline is very rugged as you can see from the photos. It’s a refuge for birds primarily, other marine life make it their home too.
No roads, of course, and no human habitation. My uncle was assigned the task to spend three days on the island with a falcon specialist to collect a young of the year female Peregrine Falcon for a study the government was conducting. He didn’t overnight on the island, but commuted back and forth daily from Ketchikan via helicopter. Peregrine Falcons like to build their nest high up on open face cliff areas. In order to check the nest, you had to climb up there where they were at. This was his first and last experience at rock climbing. He observed 11 active pairs (adult Male and female) during the three days that they were out there. From what he was told, this was a very high population density of falcons for such a small area. The heavy density of Puffins (a marine bird) present on and around the island easily supported the food requirements for that many falcons.

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There were 400 or 500 Steller Sea Lions hauled out on the rocky west side of the island. The Sea Lion in the center was a 2000 pound male guarding the females and pups. My uncle was down there with them, of course, to shoot these photos. He said that when you got into the rookery, it was loud with all their bellowing, and the odor was very intense. Another surprise was how fast the male could move across the rock area coming at you when he decided that you had crossed his boundary.

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The third day they did manage to capture a young of the year female peregrine. What a beautiful bird!

This is a Bonaparte Gull newly hatched chicks with one to go yet.

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This is the east shoreline of Forester Island. You should be able to see several Puffins going airborne from the surface. The east side of the island was better protected from the open sea than on the west side, and this was the area that he observed most of the puffins.

Rugged shoreline on the open sea west side of island.
It appears that if a beach no matter how rugged, a Sea Lion will use it has a haul out. Look at the slope of rock the seals easily navigated!

Forester Island at a distance with the sun setting in the west. (A note of interest. Time of year this exercise took place was the latter part of June. Sun sets around midnight and sunrise around 2:30 AM. You can and do put in some pretty longs days this time of year in Alaska.
My uncle has many such amazing stories of biology research and adventures that his career took him upon throughout the years! I am very grateful for his photos, stories, and storytelling abilities. He is a GREAT inspiration to me! I hope he has inspired you as well!
Do you have a story to share of great inspiration from a travel? Where have you traveled that has etched itself on your soul? Leave me a message below regarding your cherished memories of a special travel destination!
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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com

PIN IT FOR LATER: Adventure Awaits- Boys 1st flight – Feb 2012!

PIN IT FOR LATER: Adventure Awaits- Boys 1st flight – Feb 2012!

Barbara Robinson
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May 1, 2021
March 27, 2021
What a great adventure this must’ve been for him and you hearing about it! The photos are a BONUS too 👍🏼 I bet he had a blast and made millions of unforgettable moments too 💯 Thank you for sharing this..
Interesting! Love the photos. Beautiful!
I am so jealous of your uncle I would live to explore and go to inhabited islands especially in Alaska! Thank you for sharing!
Barbara Robinson
He is such an amazing man with a vast amount of stories to share from his career with the US Forestry Service! I could listen to him relive his stories forever!
Alexis Farmer
Thanks for sharing, good read and pictures!
What a beautiful place. The sea lions sound amazing. Thanks for the post.
Emily Ackerman
Looks like an amazing trip. Thanks for sharing!
What a beautiful area!! Alaska is on my bucket list.
Eva Keller
This looks amazing! I’ve never been to Alaska but it is on my bucket list. I hoped for an Alaska cruise this year but I’m not sure that’s going to happen.
What a fascinating experience…and this place is stunning!
Alaska is still on my bucketlist! Hope to get there one day!
Beth Shields
What an amazing part of the world. And so neat that your uncle shares them with you. I have always been intrigued with Alaska and its gorgeousness. Thanks for sharing. A nice way to start the day.
Barbara Robinson
Thank you!
Board in the World
Alaska was one of the best trips we’ve ever been on. Such a beautiful state to visit and so much to see. We really want to get back there soon.
Wow! What a cool adventure – and I love the photo of the bird. So beautiful.
I had not read about Forester Island before. We enjoy visiting National Wildlife Refuges.Adding this to out list to visit. Thanks.
Lisa Manderino
Those Sea Lions are so cool. I have never heard of this island but I really want to go to Alaska!
Cindy Mailhot
Wow! I love seeing wildlife on my travels. So amazing!
Donna Garrison
Your uncle sounds like he has lead an interesting life. What a blessing to be able to hear his stories. I would like to visit Alaska one day. I currently live in the Northwest Territories, and we too get only a few hours of almost dark around the summer solstice in June. Great for midnight golf and exploring.
Alaska is on my bucket list on places to visit. I love all the wildlife, parks, and outdoor adventure you can experience. It seems every area you visit offers something new and different.
Cindy Moore
What a beautiful island! Your uncle has a fun job. I’m sure it’s work though, collecting that data!
Wow! What a great experience. I think it would be hard to adjust to that much daylight, I would feel like I need to stay up all day and night.
I love all the wildlife you captured on Forester Island!
Wow! It is great that you are privy to first hand info and pics from this fascinating experience on Forester Island!!
Stephanie Veach
We hopefully will be heading to Alaska this coming summer. Excited to maybe see this area along the way.
I love all the beautiful wildlife!!
Gorgeous photos. I love the ocean, beach, and sealife. <3
Heather Jandrue
What a beautiful island! I love wildlife. Your uncle sounds like he enjoyed his time there.
Barbara Robinson
He has many wonderful stories that beg to be re-told!
Looks cool.
Jason Gowin
I would totally love to see sea lions in real life…in the wild! What a great post!
Tiffany Smith
I would love to do something like that! I tried signing up for some research excursions but it never quite worked out
Whitney Woodley
Wow!!!!! This is looks so amazing. Thank you for sharing this & capturing the beautifully moments. Now I want to go. Haha
What an awesome vacation! I can’t wait to be able to travel to Alaska! Its one of those places that is perfect for outside adventures… my fave!
Whitney Woodley
Wow!!!!! This is looks so amazing. Thank you for sharing this & capturing the beautiful moments. Now I want to go. Haha
Wow! What an amazing experience! Your uncle has a very exciting job. I look forward to reading about more of your adventures.
Tricia Snow
What a cool spot to visit!
I would love to visit Alaska, it sounds like a beautiful place. I loved the photos of the wildlife, how amazing!
Kristen W Allred
Forester Island looks amazing. Thanks for sharing the pics.
Maria Gustafsson
Your uncle sure had an interesting career! And peregrine falcons are the most beautiful birds!
SO much wildlife! I would love to make it to Alaska! What a memorable experience.
I love it when a location remains etched strongly. So glad you found this to be the case!
The kids and I would probably find it hard to leave watching the sea lions.
I love all of the wildlife! How cool!
Sabrina DeWalt
What a fascinating visit that must have been. I would love to go there one day.
This looks amazing! What a great adventure!
Are tourists allowed to visit the preserve? If so, do they have to helicopter in?
Barbara Robinson
My Uncle mentioned this wildlife preserve was managed by the US Forestry Service and limitedly accessible.
Danielle Ardizzone
Love the gull chick pic!