BUFFALO WHAT? – Custer State Park & Wildlife Reserve
Custer State Park, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota at an elevation of 4,721 feet, is also a wildlife reserve. It is the largest and first state park in South Dakota. It was named after Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer.
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At once [the buffalo] is a symbol of the tenacity of wilderness and the destruction of wilderness; it’s a symbol of Native American culture and the death of Native American culture; it’s a symbol of the strength and vitality of America and the pettiness and greed of America; it represents a frontier both forgotten and remembered; it stands for freedom and captivity, extinction and salvation.
Steven Rinella

Our trip to this amazing place, CUSTER STATE PARK, began with a family-fun road trip from Michigan. We traveled to South Dakota with a tent, camping supplies, a grill, a cooler of food and water. It was in August, a few weeks prior to the beginning of the school year. We planned a big loop through South Dakota then on to Yellowstone, Rocky Mountain National Park, Grand Tetons and back. Our first stop was here in Custer State Park, Mount Rushmore, and the Badlands. We’ve done this trip twice. Once in 2012 and again a few years later. Each time it delivered such a great memory making experience!

We drove through the Badlands and approached Custer State Park from the Northeast from Rapid City, SD. We visited Mount Rushmore first. It was very impressive, but we moved along. We were excited to set up camp and get acquainted with our surroundings at Custer State Park slightly south of there, so we pressed on!
As you enter the park there are three cool tunnels you pass through on the Iron Mountain Road. The park is broken up into different areas. The Center Lake are, Legion Lake area, Stockade Lake area, and heading to the Sylvan Lake area you will pass through the Needle’s eye tunnel, the Game Lodge area, the wildlife loop, and off to the SW is the Wind Cave National Park (more on that later.) Crazy Horse is not too far away from here too! This architectural feat is amazing to gaze at!
Once we arrived, we quickly decided to rent a little cabin. There was an opportune vacancy! This campground was located alongside a creek and had a bathhouse with showers. It was very quiet and the buffalo would come down from the lodge area at dusk. We were able to sit around our campfire and enjoy this beautiful occurrence each night!

The cabin was around $40 per night! What a steal of a deal! I would highly recommend these to anyone! It had 2 single bunks and 1 full size bunk. Perfect for a family of 4! It rained at night and we were so glad to not be in a tent. Also, several campgrounds are RV only campgrounds, so renting the cabin was perfect for us!
North of the Legion Lake area is the famous Legion Lake Lodge that leads to Needles highway! South of the Legion Lake area is the Bluebell Lodge near the bluebell campground on the way to the wildlife loop. Heading east of Legion Lake Lodge area heads towards the State Game Lodge on the way to the other end of the wildlife loop.On the wildlife loop you can experience prairie dog town, wild mules that beg for food, buffalo, and many other surprises!
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Heading northwest from the Needles highway towards Sylvan Lake Lodge you will pass through the Iron Creek Tunnel, the Needle’s Eye Tunnel, and the Hood Tunnel on the other side of Sylvan Lake Lodge. These tunnel’s are barely wide enough for 1 vehicle to pass through and often are situated to frame Mount Rushmore in the distance perfectly! Super picturesque! It was raining that day so the pictures are not great!
Custer State Park has several cool features! The fun of exploring, driving around to see everything was great! Another highlight of this area is Wind Cave National Park. It is well worth a visit and a tour of the Wind Caves. The story behind the discovery of the Wind Caves is truly remarkable. I highly recommend this cool historic place! They even offer an authentic candle lit tour. You can see the way the earliest explorers of Wind Cave saw the cave by candlelight. Tours are approximately $12 per person.
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I couldn’t help but think about the historical significance of this area while here. The decimation of the American buffalo population through man’s greed coveting the buffalo hides. The sadness of this event was overwhelming. What would God think about this happening to His creation? How as a people do we remain doing this to other species even today? Definitely something to consider. A future in conservation is absolutely necessary!
Each season the buffalo have to be gathered up and corralled for the winter. The park holds an annual event the CUSTER STATE PARK ANNUAL ROUND-UP, “Feel the thunder and join the herd at the annual Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup. Watch cowboys and cowgirls as they roundup and drive the herd of approximately 1,400 buffalo (number of animals vary depending on rangeland conditions) to the corrals. Not only is the roundup a spectacular sight to see, it is also a critical management tool in maintaining a strong and healthy herd.” (Black Hills & South Dakota website) Wouldn’t this be an exciting event to watch or even participate in!!! WOW!!!
Many activities are available in the CUSTER STATE PARK area for your entertainment pleasure. What are your favorite Parks to explore? Leave me a reply below with where you enjoy exploring state or national parks. What are your favorite family-fun road trips that you have taken? When you think of family-fun road trips to a park, what comes to mind? REPLY BELOW!
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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com
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[ctct form=”1004″ show_title=”false”]Barbara Robinson
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I didn’t know much about Buffalo’s but now I do! Looks and sounds like a great trip! I love the mules, they looked so cute!
Looks like a fun adventure! You got a good deal on that cabin!
Cindy Mailhot
I love the cabin. We loved Custer State Park!
Sydney Delong
This is on my State Park bucket list! I haven’t been able to go to many parks outside of Michigan, but would like to change that as the kids get older!
Tiffany Smith
I loved this area! I have to say Joshua Tree National Park is one of my favorites (besides the Badlands and Custer) 🙂
Barbara Robinson
I’ve not been to Joshua Tree NP, I will have to consider that location!
Maggie | LeaveMeToDream.com
Loving the cabin, critters and especially the kids! Nice post!
Ayesha Siddiqui
This was so inspirational! We’ve been meaning to take a roadtrip across a few states but never got around to it. South Dakota looks beautiful!
Sabrina DeWalt
We were there in October, but car trouble caused us to miss out on some of it. We can’t wait to go back in July to see the rest.
Lisa Manderino
I was so impressed with how many buffalo there were. That cabin is steal of deal!
We visited this summer also and loved every minute of it. I enjoyed re-living the trip through your pictures!
What a fun and educational trip for the whole family! I love the cabins and all the amazing landscapes and Buffalo!! So amazing!
Haha I just couldn’t help but notice how organized outside your cabin is. Your cooler and paper towels and it’s just like a dream for me. My boys always plop things all over in no order whatsoever. You have your crew trained right. lol
Barbara Robinson
Thanks for noticing that tidbit! If we are going to camp…it’s got to be clean and organized or I am out! 🙂 The guys are very good at pleasing my requests…they like the adventures I plan! No organization…no adventure!
We went just north of this! Such a beautiful area. We will have to go back and add this in on the next trip.
Beth Shields
Looks like another fun trip for sure. I am always in awe of buffalo – huge and majestic. Loved the cabin – looked pretty comfortable. I have been in some pretty rough camps – this looked like it was nice. Thanks for sharing – you make me want to go road tripping! Thanks.
Love the pictures. Looks like a great family adventure. Thanks for sharing.
This looks like a great location for the whole family. I can’t believe how close up and personal you can get with the animals.
Melissa Jones
That looks like an amazing trip!!
This is one of the few states in the US that I haven’t explored. Looks enticing! Thank you; great pics!
Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life
Needles highway looks so cool! A definite must if in that area for me!!
Alexis Farmer
All these animal pictures have melted my heart 🖤 Definitely need to check out South Dakota!
Cindy Mailhot
I love seeing the buffalo. The babies are so cute.
I whish we would have traveled here when we were in SD. What a steal on the cabin, the annual round up would be so fun to see.
What a great trip. My girls would love seeing the donkeys close up in the car 🙂
Barbara Robinson
Lots of giggles and belly laughs were had with the donkeys for sure!
What a steal for the cabin!! Also, what a unique opportunity!
This is awesome! We are definitely adding this to our travel plans for next summer.
heather J Jandrue
This is the second time in recent weeks I have seen a post on this park. It sounds wonderful.
I love going camping, traveling and especially road trips! We went to Montana once and stayed at a KOA that had cabins almost like the one you stayed in. You’re right, they’re so quaint and absolutely serve their purpose while being economically helpful too. Your family looked like they had a blast!
That’s what trips are suppose to be about and memories.. Thanks for sharing 😊
Wow! $40 per night for those cute cabins!! I would soooo do something like that!! Sounds like a great family experience.
Thanks for all the great details. Looks like you and the family lucked up on the Cabin especially since it was raining at night. I would be a little nervous knowing the buffalos get that close but I am sure it’s something normal that happens so that probably takes the fright out for some. The buffallo round up sounds like an exciting thing to witness in person, will have to look it up online.
Barbara Robinson
This where “Dancing with Wolves” was filmed! They used the buffalo herds here!
Tricia Snow
I love all of the animals! There were so many BIson. And that cabin is a steal!
So fun and fascinating! The cabin looks so idyllic. I can’t imagine seeing buffalo so close!!
Lisa S
We love traveling to different state parks! This one sounds amazing!! We have a SP in Kentucky that has a heard of Buffalo, but I’m pretty sure it’s only a small one.
Cindy Moore
Buffalo are so fun to watch. Such majestic creatures. We have buffalo roaming prairies in state parks near Joplin. And what a great deal on the cabin!
Loved the cabins! Such fun.
Looks like so much fun.
Sandra Whitmore
What a great trip. My favorite photos are the mules with their heads in the car and the buffalos.
Dawn Troxell
What a great stop to include on your big loop trip through to so many fun destinations. And, what a cute little cabin you found!
Our family loves that area. We took our horses and rode at Wind Cave Park. It was amazing. Even rode near the buffalo.
Kristen W Allred
I hope I get to visit South Dakota one day. This looks beautiful.
That cabin looks so fun to stay in
Awesome wildlife! Our family loves taking road trips to this beautiful state.
We’re looking forward to visiting Custer State Park Wildlife Reserve this coming June! I love seeing all of the wildlife and beautiful scenery!
Lisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
The cabin is so cute! We love visiting state parks! Your pictures had us there with you, thank you for sharing.
Great post, thank you for sharing! I can’t wait to start traveling again!
Maria Gustafsson
I love that you added in the cabin at the spur of the moment, it makes the trip so much more exciting!
Thanks for sharing your adventures. Those cabins look like a cozy place to rest after some exploration.
Whitney Woodley
Omg, Barbara! Definitely adding Custer State Park to my bucket list. We plan on doing Skoolie Life in a couple of months so this is definitely going to be one of our stops. Thanks for sharing!
Emi Sorensen
My boys recently asked if we could visit Mt. Rushmore. No plans anytime soon, but we will definitely hit Custer State Park when we do!
The mules look like a riot – so fun!
Suz | TravelsWithSuz.com
Custer State Park sounds like a lot of fun – cute cabin, for sure! It would be cool to see buffalo just hanging around. The mules remind me of camping when my girls were 2 and 3 years old; in an old apple orchard in New Mexico. The wild horses would come and munch on the downed apples, and they were really excited to try my girls’ cereal too!
Melissa Jones
This looks like an amazing trip!
The journey alone is quiet impressive and I love the treats along the way. The cabin price is definitely a steal of a deal! That cheap! Whoaa…
I love all the photos, especially the animals. Definitely my kind of roadtrip adventure!
Wow the wind caves looks awesome. I’d totally visit Wind Cave National Park. And it’s so cool you saw so much wildlife!