Adventure Awaits Kaua’i, Hawaii – Boys 1st flight – Feb 2012!

Deeply inspirational, tranquil moments in the pre-dawn hours were some of my favorite memories on this Adventure Awaits – Boys 1st flight. God’s awe inspiring beauty is wonderous here! One morning at Ke’e beach, I spent some time chatting with a Hawaiian man also on vacation in Kaua’i. He explained that Hawaiians from other islands like to travel to Kaua’i for their vacations as it is the “Garden Island”.

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Adventure Awaits Kaua’i, Hawaii

It was February 2012! I feel like this was just yesterday. Time certainly does fly. Michigan can be so long, cold, and dark in the winter months. Galen & I had already explored Hawaii prior to this trip. We felt it was pretty safe and a great environment to create memorable travel adventures with the boys. Armed with The Ultimate Kaua’i Guide Book and a tank full of gasoline in our rental jeep with the top down, we set out to explore this island adventure as a family. This sparked the initial LOVE of travel for our kids!

We stayed at Pono Kai Resort in Kapa’a Town on the northern most Hawaiian island of Kaua’i. We were there for two weeks on this adventure. It was so great to see new wonders through our boy’s eyes. Jacob was in 6th grade and Joshua was in 3rd grade.

Adventure Awaits Kaua’i, Hawaii

From shaved ice treats at JoJo’s Shave Ice to our favorite restaurant Olympic Cafe to the molting seals on the shore of beaches during the day, or a trip through the National Tropical Botanical Gardens to absorb the local foliage.

Adventure Awaits Kaua’i, Hawaii

Deeply inspirational, tranquil moments in the pre-dawn hours were some of my favorite memories. God’s awe inspiring beauty is wonderous here! One morning at Ke’e beach, I spent some time chatting with a Hawaiian man also on vacation in Kaua’i. He explained that Hawaiians from other islands like to travel to Kaua’i for their vacations as it is the “Garden Island”. It is the most under-developed of all of the islands and provides Hawaiian’s a relaxing return to a more peaceful existence. As our conversation flowed to many topics, one topic in particular stood out to me…the healing properties of the ocean. Hawaiian’s believe in soaking in the ocean to cure many ailments. They revere the ocean and their spiritual beliefs stem from these traditions. It was a great pleasure to discuss such personal beliefs with this man. He was wonderful to share with me.

From the simple pleasures like watching the sunrise, grabbing a burger at world famous Bubba’s Burgers, or sipping Kauai coffee and people watching all were so relaxing!

View of sunrise from our condo lanai

The crow of the rooster pre-dawn echoed giggles from the boys as our internal clocks were all messed up coming from an eastern standard time zone.

Trying not to fall asleep at dinner was the true challenge. Luaus at Smith’s Tropical Paradise were a highlight and a must do! Exploring the Grand Canyon of the South Pacific was also breathtakingly beautiful.

Mark Twain named this “the Grand Canyon of the South Pacific”

Adventure Awaits Kaua’i, Hawaii

If you drove as far North on the island as the road will take you, our favorite hike trail head Kalalau Trail was located there at Ke’e Beach. If you drove as far West as the road would take you back around the island, our favorite beach was located there – Polihale State Park. We spent significant time snorkeling at the number seven most famous beach in the world Poipu Beach located in the South region of the island. Our Condominium was located in the East region of the island. Kauai has the most diverse climate of anywhere I’ve ever been. It provides desert like conditions in the West with very low rainfall. The North side of the island boasts of being the wettest spot on the earth with record rainfall. The Napali Coastline prevents any road travel all the way around the island. So when you drive as far as you can one way around the island, you are actually about 17-20 miles away from the end of the road all the way on the other side of the island. A topless jeep is the way to get around on the many cane roads of the island and makes the ride super enjoyable! Hawaii remains one of our fondest places to visit.

Where was the first place you traveled with your children on a flight? How did it go? Share a photo!

I’d love to hear where you went and what your experience was like to view a favorite vacation destination through their eyes! Leave a reply below!

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Kaua’i – Napali Coastline https://www.gohawaii.com/islands/kauai

Inspirationally Yours,


BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/

About Me

A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.

WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com

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