Does life’s merry-go-round have you whirling through your days on an inner stillness quest? It is easy to be on a continual whirl and not slow down long enough to connect to what is truly important.
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This week our travel destination is to travel within ourselves for a self check-up!
Does life’s merry-go-round have you whirling through your days? It is easy to be on a continual whirl and not slow down long enough to connect to what is truly important.

When we sit still and allow ourselves to settle the whirl of life keeping us in a constant distracted state, it is only then that we can truly center ourselves and connect with our inner stillness. Calm is necessary to deeply contemplate inner peace.

How can you focus to work through a troubling problem or hear God speak to your heart with that answer you’ve been seeking when you haven’t achieved calm?
Where is your calm place? Do you have a favorite chair in a favorite room next to a fireplace? Is it in a hammock gazing up at a summertime night sky awaiting a shooting star to streak across the sparkling backdrop of twinkling constellations? How about on your deck or porch listening to the soft sound of crickets and birds chirping in the distant quiet? Perhaps it is sitting on a beach lulled by the ever lapping waves to shore as a dampness of humidity and breeze caress your face? Or enjoying a SUNRISE & SUNSET?
Wherever “your place” may be, I’m glad that you have found it! That is the first step to achieving the ability to hear and absorb deep inner peace.

Just like any friendship you cultivate with a new acquaintance, or a long lost solid friendship that is reunited, a time investment is required. Our relationships grow through the time spent in one another’s company. Through good times and bad we invest in the people around us and this solid, steadily growing foundation blossoms into a bond that sustains us when we need to lean on one another for support.
Our walk with God is very similar, this relationship grows with the more time spent with Him. He already knows everything about you. He made you. He knows the paths that you will follow in life. So, who better to talk to for guidance and help with tough decisions. He speaks to us. It is our job to “Be still and know that I AM GOD” (Psalm 46:10 states.) While this interpretation instructs us to be silent and wait on the Lord, it should further be understood as a command to wake up, stop striving (doing it without God), and acknowledge God for who He is, allowing Him to do what only He can do.
This past week I found myself “whirling.” All the smallest and biggest details of life can stack up and weigh us down under a pile of distress and distraction. They are just that… a pile.
I was reminded that, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~Philippians 4:13
The trick here though is to understand that “the pile crushing us” is not why God placed us here on this earth. Those are merely distractions. Those things won’t matter in a year from now or ten years from now, but our inner peace, our walk with God, our inner stillness that makes us into who we are each day WILL matter.
Provide yourself with opportunities to seek your inner stillness. Commune with your inner-self for self check-ups. Leave your worries at His feet. Trust in Him to know your needs before you even are aware that they are present. Grow in your thoughts and inner search for completeness through Christ’s help. Rest secure in your calm that God is in complete control if only we are able to surrender to His lead. I know! Easy to say, yet the reality is it is a daily struggle for ALL of us to achieve. Make the time commitment. You will not be disappointed!

Look for opportunities to trust God to meet your needs. Click here for a personal story of a lost camera that led to a BIG lesson from GOD!
Are you ready to seek your inner stillness? Where is your “place” to seek calm? Leave me a comment below!
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Inspirationally Yours,
BIO: https://www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com/about-us/
About Me
A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.
WEBSITE: www.inspirationaltraveladventures.com

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Barbara Robinson
TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!
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Christina Siwik
A great read and much to contemplate.
Such a wonderful reminder. It’s easy to forget to refocus on ourselves especially during busy times.
My place is any place that is quiet and with Him! He is always with us and always talking to us. I have to say, I spend most of my time with Him in my car as drive a lot!
Barbara Robinson
I agree! I am able to connect with HIM in that way too..the car works!
Lisa Maslyk
I heard about this recently. The Holy Spirit brings stillness to our lives, not craziness and business. Its in the quiet moments that we find refuge.
heather J jandrue
My calm place in on the water. I immediately become calm when looking at the ocean.
Giving yourself a moment to find that inner stillness is essential, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed.
Barbara Robinson
I completely agree!
Tricia Snow
This is so cool! Looking for my inner stillness resonates with me.
Lisa Manderino
Those silent moments are precious!
My patio is my still place. I need more patio time! Good reminder. Thanks for sharing!
A lovely reminder for us all!
Laura Lee
“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” ~Philippians 4:13 is one of my favorite verses! My quiet place is in my bedroom. 🙂
Eva Keller
My favorite thing about stillness is that it can happen when you least expect it. There have been times that we’ve been traveling and we come across a place just is just nice and quiet and peaceful. It makes us realize how much noise and distractions we constantly have because of how easily we can realize when it actually is peaceful.
Barbara Robinson
Very true! I’ve also realized that when out of routine…realizing it’s good to be out of routine!
My calm place is sitting by the lake after dinner.
Beautiful post! I love finding my inner stillness out at a quiet mountain lake while fishing. Or in a cool mountain forest.
Beautifully written.. love this post! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!
With everything that’s been going on in the world the past couple of months, it’s been easy to lose focus on God and feel like everything is spinning out of control. It’s good to take some time to reflect on what His word says, and remember that His promises are true and He is always in control.
Barbara Robinson
Well said!
Inner peace and stillness is extremely important.
Stacey Billingsley
Great advice! I try to build in peace and calm into every day. I love my backyard for that, especially in the evening. It’s so necessary to have those moments!
Beautifully written! And gorgeous photos!
For awhile I was writing a story a week and posting it everywhere. I was really pushing myself to the point of being sick. I realized God wanted me to slow down. So this week I’m on vacation and I’m going to a Christian Campgrounds and spend some quiet time with God. I wrote on this verse as well awhile back but I need to hear it again. Thanks
During all this madness the past year (actually, only six months!) it does help to take some time, find the calm and reflect.
Excellent read, those inner moments can be priceless.
My calm is out on our back porch on the nice evenings for the daily but to get away and reset its definitely our camp trip to the beach we take every year. I’ve definitely needed to find that peace more often these days.
I love getting away, unhooking, and just being out in nature. Sooo refreshing. I see you also enjoy time away.
Inner peace and stillness is so vital! My backyRd garden is my still place.
Michelle Felux
I love resetting and unplugging for some much needed stillness in my life. I don’t do it nearly enough!
Alexis Farmer
Beautifully written post! I definitely love my peace place.
I think it’s really important to take time and check in with ourselves. Great read!
At home, my calm spot is definitely my screened-in porch. I always feel content when I’m sitting out there enjoying the quiet and the fresh air.
I like the beach, sunsets, and my grandkids for inner stillness.
We enjoy camping becauseof the calmness of the woods. Sitting in our chairs around a camp fire is very relaxing.
Be Still was my word phrase for 2020 to remind me to center myself when things get a little crazy or overwhelming. I adopted Be Still again for 2021.
I like to go to the temple, which is a special place in my religion
I love this! My calm place is by any large body of water, preferably on the water. It’s so serene.
It’s always important to have time for yourself to reflect.
One of my fave places to just stop and find that peace is on a beach. Something about the sound of crashing waves is very soothing and hypnotic.
Barbara Robinson
Me too! I completely agree!
Inner stillness is a daily goal. I go to nature.
Such a great post! Anytime I’m out hiking or kayaking is ” my place”
Barbara, thank you so much for such a beautiful reminder! Especially right now with what is going on in the world around us. Philippians 4:13 is one of our family’s favorite verses.
Barbara Robinson
In Middle School, my oldest son was a part of a lunch time bible study. They were named P 4:13. Can you guess… Yep, that was their scripture that guided them through Middle school and became my sons mantra!
Great read! Inner stillness is so important!
I’m trusting God at the moment to know my needs. It definitely feels like I’m in a season of “whirling”.
Thanks for the good reminders
Beautiful post. I love the peace and calm God can bring into our day!
We are so used to the go, go , go of everyday life. Taking time to be with ourself is so important.
I alwasy feel recharged and recentered when I sit in stillness and try to really listen to my mind and body. The outdoors is a place that I can do that, but it can also just happen sitting at home in quiet.
Barbara Robinson
I agree!
Terra Booth
I love this! It can be really hard to just be in the moment. I have a great meditative hot yoga class that I go to which helps me get to that space. But it definitely took some practice to be able to let go.
Karla R Petersen
This is something that is a challenge for me… I have 7 children in my home from 6 year old twins to 4 teens who are 14, 15, 16, 17. All of them are out of foster care and things are ALWAYS swirling here. The Littles wake up early and energetic. The Bigs are up late and often want to talk and share. And school did not return until about 2 months ago. I struggle with time to myself! But it’s worth the effort!
Barbara Robinson
That is quite a houseful of beautiful chaos! I’m sure a very rewarding experience! Take time for yourself no matter! We are only good for our families when we take care of ourselves!
Tammy Horvath
My calm place is on the beach.
Beautiful quote. This is why I do yoga. It is such a great way for me to remember to look within and that it’s ok and necessary to slow down and appreciate the still. Thanks for sharing.
Suz | TravelsWithSuz.com
Inner stillness is so essential; this is one reason I prefer traveling solo – lots of time for quiet and introspection. Thank you for encouraging us to reflect more often.
Kiera Gosse
Nice reminder to quiet the mind, and listen for answers
Great post. I really need some inner stillness right about now. Luckily, I have some time off work coming up, and I plan to spend quite a bit of it outdoors recharging.
Be still and know… I never thought anything was wrong, that I was not at peace, that my brain was always and had always whirred, until a friend took me to the beach and the waves calmed me. That was the dy I realised something had been amiss all my life, all my life my brain had been busy churning all day everyday and I thought it was normal… That day at the beach I learned peace and stillness.
Barbara Robinson
Yes! It is healing and magical. It forces one to sit and contemplate with the repetitive washing of the waves.
Taking time to reflect is crucial to self care!
Larissa Li
What a good reading and reminder! I meet with God every evening but sometimes I do not listen to Him, and just vent or share what I am excited about, and the days when I am not connected to my true self are total loss. I do something but it has no meaning. And I do not have peace.
Danielle Ardizzone
I like the idea of inner stillness. For many people, it’s very hard to achieve in our hectic world.
Allison Peteet
I live in a Southern coastal town in SC. I find my tranquility at the beach or on my back deck admiring the sunsets over the river. He never ceases to amaze us with his beauty.