5 Ways to ENJOY summer

Family fun-time will be predominantly just that…family quality spent time together away from crowds, or others in our immediate personal space. Here are five ways to enjoy summer this year while dealing with social distancing issues.

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“Then followed that beautiful season…Summer…Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light;

and the landscape lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.”

~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Who doesn’t LOVE summer? All of us who live in a climate where we experience four seasons wait patiently through those long winter months for spring! Springtime is a promise for the sunshine and heat of summer. It’s my favorite time of the year! Summer 2020, a new way To DO EVERYTHING has emerged! No worries! I can easily think of five ways to enjoy summer while dealing with “our new normal.” Can you?

Family fun-time will be predominantly just that…family quality spent time together away from crowds, or others in our immediate personal space. Here are five ways to enjoy summer this year while dealing with social distancing issues.

~ 5 Ways to ENJOY summer ~

1. Boating

Gather up your family and take a canoe out on the lake, or a fishing boat, or a speed boat, etc. Get out on the lake. You will naturally be social distanced from others and have a great time with your family. Our family loves to play on the water! The boys love to tube, wake surf, water ski, knee-board or just swim and snorkel at the lake. We will pack a cooler with drinks and snacks for the day. Sometimes we go down the lake to the village market to get cinnamon rolls early on a Saturday morning or stop in at lunch to pick up a to-go pizza from the shopper’s dock and have a floating picnic! So, nothing changes here…we can still do those things, but keep our distance from other people AND ENJOY the lake! GIVE IT A TRY! If boating is not your pick for an activity don’t be afraid to DAYDREAM other opportunities for entertainment or travel!

~ 5 Ways to ENJOY summer ~

2. Golfing

Golfing is great exercise! Not only can you enjoy the sunshine, warm weather, and outdoors, but you get to play one of the most rewarding and frustrating games ever created! Golf is one of those sports where no two days or play on the same course will have an identical outcome. I have a great story to share!

One summer, I was playing a round of golf on a course and came out with a pretty reasonable score. I was feeling like quite an accomplished golfer! (I might add that I AM NOT the world’s best golfer.) I had been playing pretty frequently on this same course for most of the summer, when I could get away to golf. So, I thought I would invite my sister (a naturally-talented-at-everything-she-does-athlete) who isn’t into golf much, to join me and play! Well, I don’t know why I was so surprised when this happened, but of course, about half way through nine holes, she drives off the tee and lands a shot on the green near the hole and the ball rolls in! WHAT! I know! I know! What was I doing challenging her to golf! Let’s just say I ate my humble pie that day and returned to my game more frustrated than ever…somehow the harder you try at golf, the worse you play! The more you don’t care how it goes…the better you do…GO FIGURE!!!! 🙂

WHATEVER, right! Somehow we keep returning to golf as entertainment! I do enjoy being outside, enjoying the sunshine, and playing that frustrating game when our schedules allow. My husband and I enjoy golfing together! You should try it too! Be ready to laugh at yourself!

3. Grocery store runs late night/curbside service

Grocery stores have become the dreaded place to venture out to with all the worries over contracting COVID-19 virus, right? Try late, late night shopping if you are like me and want to pick out your own produce and products from the shelves! Give it a try to avoid people. The grocery staff are usually the only ones in the store at that time. They tend to be locals that probably have been quite good at social distancing and following the quarantine rules. If you are like me and have also been adhering to the quarantine rules, this may be just the right tactic to employ to keep away from people traveling in and out of communities unsuspectingly carrying germs! Give it a try! Your local grocery stores need your business and those employees stocking those shelves need those jobs! Try when you can to support your local communities. Lots of local grocery stores will even shop for you and provide curbside service if you look into the additional services that they are offering. I’m not saying don’t shop on-line because I do that too for certain items, but consider alternatives.

~ 5 Ways to ENJOY summer ~

4. Beach/Park with Take-Out or Dine-In with outdoor seating

Don’t be afraid to have an occasional night out! Cautiously pick your dining locations. If you want to eat in…be sure to look for a trusted venue with outdoor seating options! Many local restaurants are providing this option and many have fabulous views! So, take a sweater! No worries!

Order take-out from your local favorite establishment. Pack a picnic basket with your favorite picnic wear and adult beverages and after picking up take-out enjoy a picnic at a local park or a favorite beach spot! Take a chair or throw a blanket out! Hang out late to enjoy a SUNSET! Sky’s the limit for possibilities to thoroughly enjoy this moment in time to just do things differently!

~ 5 Ways to ENJOY summer ~

5. Bonfire chats

Our family LOVES a bonfire evening. We enjoy a fire ring filled with snaps and crackles of popping fire in the firepit area. Both boys like to be the fire stoker. The bigger the fire the more fun, right? Don’t worry we have always been ever vigilant about fire safety! Actually, the best fire for S’mores is when the fire has died down to glowing embers. S’mores, tunes, and relaxation round out many a summer evening! Some of our best fireside chats emerge to bond us together as a family. Spread your chairs a bit wider around the fire ring and invite friends (limitedly). Adhere to social distancing, and be vigilant about washing hands and not touching your face. Try employing these strategies to navigate these uncertain times!

Campfire, hammock jacob

Explore what makes you happy! Figure out what you’d like to do with your summertime! Create a BUCKET LIST of ideas of where you’d like to travel or what you’d like to do to optimize your personal experiences this summer! Just as Spring is a promise of the Summer to come, so is JESUS a promise of life eternal. Place your trust in the one who gave his life so you could choose salvation through Him! Do not live in FEAR! God is in control. Trust in Him. Be smart, make wise choices, but LIVE! ENJOY! And celebrate each and every day this summer!

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Inspirationally Yours,



About Me

A 1993 graduate of Michigan State University, Barbara earned a BS in Social Science Pre-Law. She is a Business Manager/HR Director. Her passion is travel, discovering new places, experiences, cuisine, cultures while enjoying temperate climates. Barbara is a newly transitioning empty-nester who became a travel blogger. She’s a great photographer, talented writer, and has a great family to highlight in her high school/college athlete football sons.


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TRAVEL BLOG🛩 * ADVENTURE🛶 * INSPIRATION🌞 Thanks for exploring our travel blog! We hope to assist you in your next adventure through learning from ours! We are transitioning empty-nesters perpetually seeking our next luxury snorkeling adventure! Daily God’s awe inspiring inspiration surrounds us with all of His natural beauty in every direction if we but slow down to observe. Take a moment each day to ENJOY!


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